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Best of 2009

Cerza: Best of 2009

List items

  • Lengthy, addicting, and engaging. It's been a long time since I had a single player game I could willfully sink 100+ hours into and still be ready to happily sink in another 100 more.


  • At $20 it delivers more than it's moneys worth. With a level editor, lengthy campaign, simple yet effective graphics, brutal special effects, and insanely addicting game play this top down dungeon crawler is the best thing to come along since Diablo 2.

  • It's YS I & II remade on the DS with all the charm and frustration of their original incarnations. Though occasionally frustrating due to their age they are still immensely satisfying.

  • Awesome 2D fighter!

  • The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition is two gifts in one. Not only is it a remake of the classic, but it has the classic in it for those who wish to enjoy it in all it's original glory. It's funny and entertaining and something that no one should pass up the chance to play.

  • The Graveyard is less of a game an more an interactive electronic artistic experience. I've never played anything like it before. You are an old lady visiting a graveyard and that's pretty much the game. There's some things you can do, but telling them doesn't do anything any justice. This is something that needs to be experienced. It's poetic, bittersweet, and beautiful.

  • While it's predecessor was a buggy mess made by incompetent gorillas, Killzone 2 is a solid shooter made by men that finally does the Killzone name justice. The graphics are stunning. The game play is brutal and intense in the single player and out of this world in the multiplayer. If you like first person shooters then this is one game with which you should have a go.