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I Miss the Good Old Hotspot...

*cue Midnight Brown*....and here's your host-master.......RICHHHH GALLUPPPP

Had some spare time and decided to dig up some of the more memorable Hotspot podcasts and remembered how great these were. A round table of Rich, Jeff, Alex, and (insert name) would be an instant way to cheer and crack up. From their crazy antics and hilarious phone calls, the Hotspot was the first ever video game podcast I subscribed to and waited every week for, just to listen to those crazy bastards. I still laugh when I hear the dicussion about the origin of Rich's eyebrow (I bet on the ghost punching him).

Grant you, the Giant Bombcast is great, but the original Hotspot hosted by Rich (yeah, I know Bob C. was the first host) is what I consider the greatest and grandaddy of all video game podcasts. Then came the departure of Rich and the debacle of Jeff's situation leaving the podcast and entire website in shambles. I couldn't listen to another podcast without Rich and Jeff, and stopped subscribing/listen to it. I hope one day they bring back the old crew for one big podcast with everyone, Giantbomb crew and the old Hotspot crew. 

Anyone else with me on this? I just miss the good old hotspot. Comment/Reminisce Away!

...For all your stories from the wonderful world of video games check out GIIIIIIIIIAANTBOMB DOT COM!!!

*Edit* Add your favourite Hotspot quote/moment in your comments!