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Your Graduation Write-Up

With my high school graduation creeping ever closer, it's finally come time for me to fill out a "Grad Write-Up". I know some schools do quotes, while others provide a bit more information. My school is the latter. Here's the format for one of these bad boys:
Full Name:
Pet Peeve(s):
Memorable Moments:
Favourite Quote:
Future Destination:
And my own:
Full Name: Adam Jones
Nickname(s): Jones, Jonesy
Pet Peeve(s): People that say "Monterary Cheddar", People that use internet slang IRL (u c wat i did thar?)
Memorable Moments: Jam Sessions, All-Nighters, Pwning N00bs
Favourite Quote: "Carrots help us see much better in the dark, don't talk to girls they'll break your heart." Kill the Director - The Wombats
Future Destination: Chillin' Out, Maxin', Relxain' All Cool and Shoting Some B-Ball Outside of the school.
I'd like to see what the Giant Bomb forums would put/have put/are putting for their own graduation write-up.