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First impressions of Bastion. (PC version)

Like many of you I have been excited about Bastion ever since I first heard of it in the way back time of early 2010. After hearing how well the game was received on the 360, I could not pre-order it soon enough once it appeared on Steam. Well today was the day that Bastion was released on Steam.

1 pm rolled around and I downloaded/installed it as quickly as possible. Booted it up, played for about 2 hours, and wow... I'm really enjoying what I've played so far. The keyboard controls are not prefect. I found only being able move in 8 directions makes movement a bit unsuitable for the types of environments, but I have yet to encounter a real problem with it other then just general clumsiness. I'd imagine each control scheme has it own issues.

Currently, I'm running with the Repeater and Bow as my weapons as I didn't really enjoy any of the melee weapons I've found so far. Both are pretty satisfying, especially once they're leveled up a bit. It's get a bit hairy once if I get surrounded, but rolling is really useful. The story is also really interesting, and I don't think I'll ever get enough of Rucks' voice.

I can't wait to get back into it once the Bombcast is over!