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Randy Pitchford's Desperate Measures

In a desperate bid to remind people of Battleborn, Randy Pitchford took to twitter earlier today to announce the creation of a subreddit, dedicated to pornographic images of characters from the failing game. (Mirror)

*Mod Edit to remove link to page full of no-no bits. Pitchford's tweet said "VERY NSFW, but I have received reports that BattlebornRule34 is now a thing on Reddit. LINK WITH CAUTION:"*

*OP Edit with just an image with no clickable link on it*
*OP Edit with just an image with no clickable link on it*

The Gearbox CEO who saw his game absolutely steamrolled by Overwatch even before it was released, made the announcement a mere 9 hours after he created the creation of the SubReddit and Reddit users were quick to point out his motherfucking bullshit in a number of posts that quickly rose to the top of the board.

No Caption Provided

It is well known that Overwatch, which sees adoration from pornography connoisseurs and gamers alike, remains successful because of Blizzards excellent designers and business sense. Even the recent announcement of the game's first officially gay character, which was expected to be met with "gamer outrage" from several outlets, has been massively supported by advocates of the LGBT community and people who were already having cheeky wanks to Tracer x Widowmaker SFMs... Something which Gearbox's "hobby-grade e-sports" title has been unable to capitalize on.

More on this story as it unfolds.