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Persona 3 FES: October

Ok, so maybe the blog is more for me than anyone else but at least it'll keep me aware of what I'm doing so if life interferes and I need to step away from it again, I'll have some thoughts I can recount as to what I'm thinking and where I'm at in what I'm playing.  Spoilers probably will pop up here, so if you don't want them, don't read.

Mid-October:  Nice to have some time yesterday to pull a bit of a marathon and push myself further in the game.  Definately a bit worried about the social link status right now though.  It seems that I keep hitting the wrong answers and roadblocking and the notorious time crunch of the game is getting brutal.  I could have sworn the Devil link was during Sundays in Persona 3, but it looks like it's been moved to nights and replaced with the Sun link.  Been way to long since my first and second attempts at clearing Persona 3. 

So what to do now.  Shinji's dead, which makes me sad.  Such a wasted opportunity with that character, and it feels like they pulled the plug too early, too soon to grow any real attachment to Shinjiro so the death which had it been a different character (Junpei, leading to acquiring Chidori joining maybe?) might have had more impact and come closer to creating that Sephiroth/Aeris (And, if you want me to call her Aerith you can go to hell elitist) moment that still sticks in people's memory.  Either that or it's a good excuse to run around Tartarus with a giant hammer.

Sitting at level 55 right now saved outside of Tartarus the Sunday after the midterms.  Aced them so that should open up Mitsuru's social link, yet another girl.  Flipping Yuko's status to reversed hurt, especially when I answered wrong the first time trying to repair it.   I don't know if I can grind up to 59 to pick up Siegfried and pull Mitsuru's summer outfit down from Margaret's request (although seeing the Thunder Call fusion for the first time was... impressive and I used Dreamscape to kill the Hell Knights after seeing Mitsuru's Marin Karin work and figuring I could beat her at that game). 

Well, on to level 59... or at least getting a third ring to complete another Margaret request before trying to power up more links.  (I'll list them next time once I have a refresher on who's where.