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Back to the Future Play-through

Telltale do some pretty bodacious stuff. They’ve single handedly saved the adventure game genre and in the process rejuvenated Lucasarts back catalogue. Sam & Max might have been that catalyst that shot telltale into the mainstream eye but the work they are doing now with movie licences is what i find most interesting. Their first stab at a licenced game, back to the future has been nothing short of brilliant and im always sat waiting for the next episode. 
For episode 3 :Citizen Brown i decided i was going to do a recorded playthrough for so people who had not tried the games could get a flavour of the production values involved. Episode 1 is now free so no ones got an excuse to miss out but here’s part one of my episode 3 playthrough. The remaining parts will be uploaded over the next couple of days once ive edited them. If you like the vids and would like recorded playthroughs of the other episodes give my videos a thumbs up and comment on youtube.  Watch away


Eve online character Creator

Just thought id share a video I just uploaded of eves new incarna character creator.;=xl_tsp&desktop;_uri=%2F≷=GB#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v;=-h4iAZG7lK0


My Number One Priority this Holiday?

Fallout 3. Simple. im playing through far cry 2 now just trying to get as much done as possible before fallout. i always had FC2 Fallout and Gears marked as my big holiday titles but once its all calmed down i am totally going to look into Fable 2 and Dead Space as they both seem to be the suprises of the season so far


How do i feel about blizzard splitting Starcraft 3 ways

all in all i think it stinks a bit of blizzard getting greedy but as long as they deliver on there promises of much grander campaigns and dont screw the multiplayer users into buying all three then its ok. If i need to buy the zerg campaign to get content updates for multiplayer they should just put out a different multiplayer only edition