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#1  Edited By deactivated-15136

@Jams: So that mass effect stuff is actually running and being rendered in real time? Like its not an FMV?

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#2  Edited By deactivated-15136
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#3  Edited By deactivated-15136

So as a huge sci-fi nerd I wanted to get some opinions on this subject. I've been watching some old Star Trek Voyager (still haven't finished it yet) and I was quite impressed by some of the special effects from a series that was on TV over a decade ago. It got me thinking, what is it about the way special effects are done in TV shows that make it look so much more real than even AAA titles like mass effect 3. As an example here are 2 big space battles from Mass Effect and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. (MAJOR spoilers for both if you haven't seen the endings).

STAR TREK (skip to 0:45) :

Mass Effect 3:

Now, the mass effect stuff looks really great, but something about the star trek stuff just looks more "real", I don't know if they are using real models in some cases or how much CG they use, but something about it just makes it look more like it is actually there, instead of mass effect where everything, even though it looks great, is still obviously CG.

Perhaps someone more versed in these types of things can explain this to me. Is it simply a matter of tv shows having bigger budgets or is it just different techniques that produce these differences???

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#5  Edited By deactivated-15136

@Fallen189 said:

Your PC is trashy for what you're doing. It might not seem much but the degree of which it is will be noticeable

Maybe it is but that doesn't explain why the problem disappears when I change the primary monitor to the TV.

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#6  Edited By deactivated-15136

@Fattony12000 said:

@n1Nj4d00m said:

So I'm hoping someone here can help me with my issue. I'm wanting to use my basement computer to play games/emulators and such on a 46" Toshiba LCD Tv I have set up in the basement. Its pretty old but was good when I got it. Running XP, 1GB RAM, dont remember the processor, nvidia 6600gt video card.

I have the TV hooked up with VGA and my primary monitor on my desk with dvi both out of the same video card. For some reason, whenever I use the TV to play games or do anything else, I'm getting serious input lag and slowdown. I have all the video processing stuff turned off on the TV so it shouldn't be causing any input lag on its own, or at least not to the extent of what I'm seeing. When I maximize a game it gets REALLY SLOWWWW.

Now, when I go into my display properties and change the TV to be my primary monitor, all this goes away. Both monitors become snappy and responsive. I can't really leave it like this though because I need the start menu on my main monitor on my desk for obvious reasons. I'm guessing its something i need to change in my video card settings to get this fixed, but it seems like I've tried everything I can think of, (changing resolutions, 60hz refresh rate has been set, etc.)

Just hoping some of you could give me some ideas on what to try. Thanks!

Only 1GB of RAM + An 8 year old video card = Trouble.

Is it only in games that you get this problem, or with 1080p video too? Is it slowdown in game or is it your TV fucking things up, can you run a benchmark or FRAPS or something? Try a lower resolution?

Yeah, it is pretty old, I know. It runs video fine, even HD video with an just an occasional stutter. The thing is, the games I'm running are emulators of old stuff, like NES games I have that I dont want to break out my old console for. I've had these running on machines with WAY lower specs. Perhaps its the resolution of the TV combined with the games, but then why does the problem go away once I set the TV as the primary monitor? Will a computer devote more resources to the primary monitor or something?

I will try to run a benchmark tonight once I get home per your suggestion. THANKS!

EDIT: Even the audio slows down pretty seriously on these games. Also, when connecting a bluetooth controller through glovepie, the mouse randomly moves to the right when its on the second monitor(TV) as well.

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