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Memorable Games From My Childhood

This list consists of games that I remember fondly from when I was a little kid. Basically, games that I played prior to middle school.

List items

  • The first game that I ever remember playing, and probably the first game that I ever did play.

  • This RPG has been very influential on my taste in RPGs. The mix of sci-fi and fantasy make it obvious that another one of my favorites (from my laters years) is Star Ocean.

  • I have a lot of fantastic memories with this game. I also tortured my brothers with the warp whistle.

  • Lots of fond memories playing this with my brother.

  • The way that people talk about Street Fighter 2 reminds me of how I feel about this game.

  • I liked a lot of these games (Sonic 1-3 and Sonic & Knuckles), but this one was probably the one I played the most.

  • 'nuff said.

  • I had Blue, my brother had Red. My oldest brother (I have 2 brothers) tried to get into it, but simply got bored and gave me his Red copy, so I was able to get all 150 Pokemon. I also had Yellow, but by the time I got that, I was sorta bored with the games.

  • This is the first Mega Man game I remember playing and enjoying. I did play others, but I don't remember enjoying them very much.

    I am not sure about back then, but now, I see the original Mega Man series as my brother's games, while Mega Man X was more my Mega Man series.

  • Quite possibly the first game that me and my brother played together at the same time. Most games we played were 1-2 player. Playing cooperatively with my brothers was awesome.