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So if your reading this you read my other blog or your just some total random stalker out to get me. Either way its cool. Anyway so this is Giantbomb then, pretty neat I would say
but ive only been messing around with it for like 10 mins. but the place already feels as if its saying "welcome to me nice little house , pease take your shoes off".... What the hell
am I going on about even I don't know tbh. Either way Im really likeing this place aready. Right so on top what i normally do new games!!!

Animal Crossing Wild World
Animal Crossing Wild World
I don't know why but for some reason I just don't get it tbh. Yeh its
 kind of fun but I just can't see a point to it yet, I going to put more time
into it but well it bugs me cause I just can't grasp the idea of well doing
in animal crossing and I angers me because I do want to like like it because
it has a cute and nice charm to it, going as far to even reminding me of Viva Pinata
(not gameplay wise). I will give it more time and hopefuly I will grow to like it more.

Let ne say this game is stupid hard and I love it. Its all about being on your toes and learning
when to stop and when to keep going. Its really like a drug and Ive been playing it pretty much
since i brought it. It even has MP which is pretty fun to. So for 800 MS points its worth a look. I would
also call it one of the best XBLA games out right now.

Now on to somthing a little bigger and a bit more expensive!!!

I'm going to buy it with in the next hour, its a 32" also here some info
Television Picture Features
  • 1080i High Definition Ready.
  • Integrated digital (Freeview).
  • High Quality Panel
  • Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels.
  • Brightness 500 cd/m2.
  • Contrast 1500:1. (*Please note manual states 800:1, this is incorrect true contrast is 1500:1 due to panel upgrade)
  • Viewing angle 176/176 degrees.
  • Progressive scan..

So its not 1080p but I'm more then happy to own this very nice TV :P

Anyway i guess that will do for now. So lets how well this uploads and if it messes up this sweet layout i have done lol. Anyway have fun guys.

Edit- 12.50 am and the tv ordered and coming between 6am and 7.30am so happy days. Now should i go to bed now or stay up as ive already been to sleep for 6 hours or so.

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