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So your bored of World of Warcraft you say?

Its been a while since I made a blog, mainly because bordem of writeing but there a couple of things i wanted to talk about. So the last couple of months I been getting more bored of Warcraft. Running the same instance again and again, same lame bosses ect It really felt like the game has became old, I mean yes its old but its age was really starting to show. Anyway about August I stopped raiding and try to find other things to do and you know whatelse there to do in wow besides raiding? Either PVP or Grind rep ect. I mean there is nothing else to do in that game. 
Between then and now I been trying different MMOs. For the most part Champions Online was fun for a while, It has lot of good elements and some fun quest with fairly little grind but there just nothing to do after a while. The most fun you have in that game is making a hero and even then gets old after a while. For the most part its a good game but at the moment I just don't see any long term reason to go back and play. 
Then I tried Fallen Earth.. oh christ. Worst game i've played this year. For the most part it has some nice ideas but save your money for the fallout mmo if you really want a MMO in that setting. For one the cost is way to much, the controls weren't great and really it felt like the game should of come out 3 or 4 years ago. its not pretty, the quests were boring as hell and after a while I said to my self why I am I still playing this game. I found it really funny that people were saying if you hate this mmo you should just go play easy mmos like aion or wow. I laught at that statment cause Fallen Earth is about as easy as it comes.  I also tryed Eve online again and yeh that was not fun for about 10 mins then I uninstalled it , HOW CAN PEOPLE PLAY THAT GAME!!!!!!
My final game was  Star Wars Galaxies which I picked up a while ago feeling sad cause Old Repbulic is still apparanlty a fair way away. I have mixed feeling about Galaxies. The First thing to note this game came out in 2003 and yes its older then wow which supsided me cause I thought it came out after. For the most part its fun, I choose the bounty hunter class ( they need to make a game where you play as a bounty hunter which after thinking this I found out they did and it well kind of sucked. Well they should make another.) Instead of going the old lets choose a jedi and go pwn the universe. For the most part its combat works well , well range anyway, i shot stuff and it died and it was kind of enjoyable but again there was just nothing to keep me playing. I didn't really understand the whole hallowean event so maybe I just picked a bad time to play but that game really confused me even just chatting  i found confusing, maybe I go back to after christmas or somthing but for the most part I didn't really have any problems with it. The only sad part about this is that there little chance that  Star Wars Galaxies will still be here with in a year, well it was a good six year run for them i guess. All I know now is that I toally wana be a Bounty Hunter when Old Repbulic comes out next year. 
Basiclly I came right round full circle to WOW again. I been playing now and again and been in a one or 2 raids since stopping but after a 2 month stop it still didn't feel fun. There a number of reasons , being on one of the worst ranked servers, people stabbing eachother in the back for the dumdest of things, people also moaning about the dumbest of things. A week after my sub ran out i resub cause i remembered the recuit a friend mount was waiting for me so i thought i go pick that up and see how everyone was getting on, low and behold I been kicked from my guild, I wasn't really surpised but what did surpise me was the reason and who did it. I found out from an officer that i told someone I was leaving wow for good and to kick me which was bullshit cause I never said such a thing. What made me even more angry was it was done by a guy i considered a mate. A lot of people had said the guy was a prick and I never really took notice but yeh they were right he was a douchebag. So the moral of that story is if a number of people call a guy an asshole the probs right. 
Anyway a little while ago blizzard brought out the fraction trans where you could switch between the two groups so i thought fuck it I will go join the horde and be an orc and you know what, its really brought new life into the game, A lot of stuff just feels new and fun. But in genreal the it feels more mature. I mean don't get me wrong there still bitching here and there but there a lot less. For instance the trade chat on allie would be spammed to hell and back , on the horde it happens a lot less and people are just more friendly. Granted this will most likely change after a while and it is different on which server you on but its been great. So yeh I totally recommened a fraction change if your bored of wow unless your a douchebag then stay the fuck away. 
Thats about it I've been playing some other games here and there ( Borderlands is great) and I rght now looking at MW2 and Dragon Age. I don't know why but somthing really put me off about getting it but maybe I get it next year. MW2 is more of a i really wana play the singleplayer and see just how bad the mp is kind of thing. Also picked up Windows 7 and for the most part yeah if a lot better then Vista. That do it for now, there other things I want to talk about but this is getting to long so I leave it for another time.