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Chatting about Life Itself

 A friend and I typed to each other about life, death, human nature, and the universe.  Forgive the typos and grammar errors. I just wanted to copy/paste this for your thoughts on the subject.
 SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: you know i always think...what if the human race as been redone multiable times? like maybe we always live for years and years and go on to kill ourselves and then God just basicly creates us again but we wind up doing once again?

True Blue: Sort of like... TEH REAPERS?!

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: idk?

True Blue: Don't worry, Shepard will kick God's ass.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: dude havnt played me2 yet....

True Blue: You played ME1.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yes

True Blue: Yeah. The Reapers.

True Blue: these dudes.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yeah i know

True Blue: They make life. They let life evolve. Then they harvest them.

True Blue: Repeat

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]:
yeah but im not talking about harvesting, im talking about like, we basicly kill off our own race by being so greedy and bloodthirsty

True Blue: If only humans die in a never ending cycle recreation, then why us and why this planet? Why not the bigger picture, such as our universe? Why must you think of such a concept as this by minority.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: but what if this happens to any race on any planet?

True Blue: Well if that's the case, then probably. Civil beings have a tendency in not understanding the stranger near her or him.

True Blue: My Father always complained about my addictiveness to the internet, telling me to get out and be apart of the world. But then he says that you can't talk to strangers.

True Blue: On the internet, people can understand each other out of random coincidence, just as how friend making should be (and bear with me, I'll get on topic.)

True Blue: The world will end by the negative segments that make up human nature. These negative segments are caused by misunderstanding and desperation from ill order and law that destroy a human's possibility of survival; currency being one.

True Blue:
Yes, we may say nuclear weaponry is the foreshadowing of mankind's destruction, but think about: are people sitting on a thrown that sovereign the society they were apart of, dumb enough to throw a bomb at someone, knowing that it will simply cause problems?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: exactly

True Blue: Rulers, both moral and immoral, were smart enough to reach their level. I doubt they're dumb enough to destroy the fabric of their species. Why dominate when your domination is pointless without a land to plunder?

True Blue: Governments are powerful enough to feed themselves turkeys and steaks that the individual dreams of drooling upon.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]:
no im not saying people are controlling this, im saying what if its just happening, but none of us are aware of it?

True Blue: How can we be aware if such an uncomprehending force creates or recreates us? If we are meant to die and relive, what is the purpose of such?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: no its not our purpose...we just always fuck up and it happens

True Blue: Life, horribly organized and greatly depressing it may be, is a mysterious concept owned by ill minds; trivial by comparison to the typical scientist or philosopher.

True Blue: Life is life; the greats want to know of it, the random individual wants to know about the next episode of Lost.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]:
lol pretty much

True Blue: Whatever created us is greater than life itself, or greater than god himself. If there is a god, he is not human.

True Blue: No offense.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: no, exactly. i know what you mean

True Blue: Man, the reason of life and why it's "here" is one of the most oddest things to think about; a head spinner of epic proportions. It's just... Why?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: i know right?

True Blue: It's out there. The answer is somewhere at the veil of our universe. But whoever planned this foundation made the universe untouchable and impossible. "It" "he" or "she" doesn't want us to grasp the answer.

True Blue: Scary shit. Maybe we are expendable things that are meant to die. Our species dies everyday, and I think more are supposed to die eventually.

True Blue:
Humans die everyday. Solar systems are slowly getting sucked into the epicenter of the galaxy. Galaxies will eventually collide into each other. Suns lose their energy in later years, freezing or injuring orbiting planets. Black holes are summoned out of random, sucking matter, light, and sound. Life is meant to die.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yes

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: now you see what i think about when im not doing anything lol

True Blue: Yeah. Life is very depressing. We think positively and read greater futures or hope, but such things are guises for what life truly is: expendable and purposeless.

True Blue: Human nature cannot be sustained, no matter the government. We are meant to die.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: i mean if you go around thinking the worst of everything your going to wind up killing yourself due to depression, i mean i try to be an optimist but im still a realist.

True Blue: I won't kill myself. Why do so if I'm doing great in school, have a great visioning and a dream, and video games that make me hyped and entertained?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yeah i know, im not talking about "YOU" im just saying some people are like that

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: if everyone thought that way, no one would ever do anything, they would just sit at home, moping to themselves

True Blue: Yet again, another cause of death. If one commits suicide, who cares? You're no different from the other individuals that surround you.

True Blue: Your family or friends might show remorse, but it'll all be forgotten soon.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: not necessarily, i mean it can cause repercussions

True Blue: Like the suicide's connections following suit?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: ?

True Blue: Y'know, the person that committed suicide will make his or her family also commit suicide?

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yeah that happens sometimes, but then again this leads to the fact that what about the afterlife? where do we go? i mean its been said even by science that we do in fact have "souls" so what happens to that? i mean i myself believe in God, heaven and hell, but i don't see how some one as an atheist can think that nothing happens?

True Blue: Well, when in death, your body's functions deactivate, even your brain. In sleep, we still think and dream. But if we sleep without a brain, then... what?

True Blue: Are we resting without feeling of comfort, a dream of fantastical pasts and revelations, and idea of waking up?

True Blue: I don't see how that's possible.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: im just saying is everything about us dead? i mean if youve ever been around some one dying you would know what im talking about, i mean when they die its like the body is just a shell and you feel like you dont know that person. i mean we all have our own thoughts, personialty, ect....what happens to it? it cant just be gone? if so why did we have it to begin with?

True Blue: Personality is created from us being raised. Coincidence, association, and learning craft one's personality.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: i know, but whats the point if its going to just fade away into the nothingness

True Blue: It's point is to make us the way we are. When we die, we are nothing. We are just existing nonexistant beings. it's like a machine being turned off, only that machines have no consciousness. 

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yeah i get what your saying but why do all this and just have it become nothing and go away? its a wast of time. 

True Blue: Exactly. We are expendable. Our specialties and persona just make an individual. Our life is a waste of time. If we change our world and its politics, or create a piece of art that start new movements for decade, then you have not wasted anything. Your personality and thoughts created the very things that fluttered the planet. However, compared to the size of the universe, your actions meant nothing.

True Blue: Again, pretty fucking depressing. But it's the truth.

SpeedMλn72 [Effen]: yeah i know