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Halo Reach Impressions (From 4/29 to 5/3)

The Good

  • The weapons feel powerful, smooth, and slick; something Halo2/3 were missing from Halo CE.
  • The long/mid range weapon (CE pistol/BR/DMR/Carbine/NR) is now balanced enough to be very adequate without making the AR useless.
  • The pistol is a phenomenal starting weapon for long/mid range, compared to the useless Magnum.
  • The graphics are artistically eye-popping.
  • Melee damage doesn't affect health, no matter the shield amount. Some hate it; I like it.
  • Delay from equipping the Plasma Pistol makes the Noob Combo even more unlikely.

The Bad

  • Spartans' movement speed is too damn slow.
  • Sprint is too damn fast.
  • Camouflage is useless -- who knew a highly trained stealth operative could get stealth killed from someone who is NOT a stealth operative?
  • Jet packs are nearly impossible to use with the Bumper Jumper control layout.
  • AR, despite how sexy is feels, is rather weak, and needs a few notches.
  • Make the flag carriers move at the normal speed -- it'll stop jugglers who are too idiotic to know that you can't do such a tactic anymore.
  • Nuclear bomb grenades (again).
  • Hey, Bungie! You know those edible pineapples soldiers carry? Why are they so angry when they hit the floor and lend their steam unto the catcher? BECAUSE THEY NEED TO CALM DOWN!
  • The matchmaking Social Settings don't work as well as they should. Most of my matched team mates were too dumb to melee a shieldless enemy. Is the matchmaking comparing me to these knuckleheads?! How dare it!
  • The sniper is too damn cheap -- the aim assist is Halo2-esque, and the Spartans' dilatoriness gives the weapon's inheritor 95% control the map, and it's placed within Swordbase...
  • ... which is a god-awful map.

The Ugly

 I dunno why I made this category. I thought it'd be cool.


Halo Reach, despite how frustrating and hair-tearing is can be, can also be an enjoyable, if-not addictive experience. It's kind of sad that dieing from unavoidable grenades, skilless snipers, and flawed map design can boldly hinder your experience. As a man who has been waiting for the new Halo CE, I still have yet to see it. But despite all, this is a BETA; most of these claims will (hopefully) be amended with great passion. If the campaign turns out mind blowing; the Forge mode improves amongst its flawed foundation; Firefight is contained within; Forge can alter the Firefight mode; and the multiplayer is bettered after the beta, then we just might have the greatest Halo game since the past ten years.