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Our Complaints, Our Relation

I went through a serious realization as the days passed--something that I had to urge myself into expressing. We all complain about the whining children in our online gaming communities, for they spew grotesque squabble within our very ears. Pessimistic gamers state bluntly that children are the dominant populace in the game industry at the present moment. It's an obvious speck of knowledge that we already know, ever since the release of Halo2 and the bulging sells that shocked the some of us.
Since then, we've been yanked of our sanity by young gamers. They threw away their Toddy Alphabet Adventure Deluxe boxes in the trash and witnessed their true fluorescent discovery of online gaming. As immature as they were, it was their first time. We all have had a discovery during our lives that involved the very hobby that we interact with. We remember the time when we beat Mario, even when we were rudely told that the Princess was in another castle. We also remember the first time a head crab tried to latch unto our faces in Half-Life. Oh, and that time when we witnessed the exteriors of Kikori Forest in Ocarina of Time. Or experiencing SHODAN for the first time in System Shock1/2.

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We too were whiny, bratty, misbehaved children. Our shock-and-awes have stretched far and wide as our hobby's history carried along the timeliness of planet Earth. They will grow up and talk about how awesome it was when they got an Overkill in Halo3, back when they were six years old, just as how we restate our past times in gaming. Forgive my overuse of the word "we", but we gamers seem to never give children the chance to explore gaming and the details that it carries within its developers and industry. Plus, sad and funny as it is, we never realize that we were once like them. We complain about how popular titles like Halo and Call of Duty are for kids, and are inferior to the awesomeness that is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with its realistic gameplay and survival mechanics.  

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Honestly, we don't give new breeds the chance they deserve. As we mock children because of their natural actions, we don't grow a sense of guilt within ourselves. Gamers have to start some where, such as how we had a genesis with our Nintendo controllers and Sega Genesis controllers (notice the failed pun). We were never back talked by adults and young teenagers, for online gaming ceased to exist. The memory of how we truly were as kids has deteriorated as such, also deteriorating our wise persona towards the adolescent. Let children game, and teach them that soon, they will experience their fair share of kid whines.  It is their first time, after all.
God, that last sentence sounded wrong...