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So, it's been a year Mr. Davis. June 3rd, 2014 as of today.

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Fotonica & A Smile

Fotonica Original Soundtrack: Out Now!!!

Once upon a time, I left a comment on the trailer for Fotonica on Giantbomb.

In it, I mentioned that I would actually even settle for just the soundtrack.

Long story short: I paid for the game, and donated a little extra to the good developers at Santa Ragione.

I also emailed them, telling them how I loved the ethereal soundtrack, and if it would be available someday.

They got back to me:

Hi [insert]ikabubu[/insert],
Thank you for your kind words, we really appreciated that! It's been a long way since last year, but we finally released it!
Anyhow, I can tell you we will release the OST, yes, I just don't know exactly when! I'd say in the next few months, probably september,
so don't worry, you'll just have to wait a little. We had many requests for an OST so we're definitely going to release it!
Have a nice one,

After a couple months, sure enough, it has finally arrived.

My ears couldn't be happier, and here I am, pimpin' it hard to the rest of the world (and the GB community).

No Caption Provided

Hey, it's only $4.99. One of the best soundtracks in recent memory. Definitely a keeper in my iPod.

And, Lastly

I stumbled upon this on one of my favorite blogs, Too Many Sebastians.

It made me smile.

I take no credit for this.

I am simply recreating it on this blog.

Visit the original entry, here.
