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The game I'll attempt to make is a game Drew played on a Quick Look that was kind of terribly made. Hopefully it'll be easier to make.

Having done a lot of game jams before, and as a professional game designer myself, I tend to scope project ideas such that I think I can finish the project in 10% of the given time, and it usually takes that entire timespan to finish. So, if this is your first game jam, try to think of something you could make in a day, or half a day, and it'll take the 9 days of the jam, maybe.

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Yep! I previously had a droid Razr M and you couldn't uninstall the facebook app, just disable it, it took up loads of memory and was always running. I have a nexus 6p now, but I only use the facebook mobile site (which I great!) to access FB.

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I don't know what this is gonna be by the end of the week but at least this looks rad

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Speaking of not making audiences happy, Brendan Keogh's "Videogames Without Players" and Mattie Brice's "Kill The Player" both think about what games might look like without our focus on the player's pleasure--and what that focus has lead to in design and aesthetics

(Aw crap, the site ate the comment I spent like 20 minutes drafting, so here's a shorter vers)

I've been making weird indie games for years, some of them got featured on some major sites like Kotaku and RPS. I've been following the "Don't worry about amusing the player" rule for a while.

Usually the games I make don't have conventional visuals or any sort of challenge. They'll also look really *weird*.

I've also made obtuse games before, one of them was where you had to steal a mech, but you couldn't read the buttons because you were a dog, and you had to start the mech using a really complicated startup sequence that was relayed via text messages. It was basically "Keep Talking and nobody explodes" but for one player, and with mechs. And it was really cool but nobody could figure it out.

I like being obtuse with the game content, but generally if I make something I want the player to see it, and if you make getting there hard then they'll quit. It's a weird push-pull of being hard enought to be a challenge, but something they get on the first try.

But generally, I don't worry about whether the player is having a "good" time. I try to make what I'd want to see in a video game, and that typically resonates well.

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I really wanted to take part in the last one, but it was too late! Can't wait. Here's what I should make for each theme

  • The Crowd: Johnny V
    • Steer Johnny V through progressively brutal hazards to maximize how helpless and pathetic you look. (The scene in Short Circuit where Johnny V got nearly destroyed kinda messed me up)
  • Jeff: East VS West
    • GB East and GB West wrestling game, made in a week, will maybe be better than WWE 2k16
  • Dan: What Hideo Kojima Does Next
    • Hideo Kojima's "Theodore Rex" - The official game of the movie
  • Vinny: Italian Pac-Man
    • A recreation of "The New Adventures of Pac Man" but with 900% more mandolin music
  • Austin: Bleak Cyberpunk Dystopias
    • Point N Click adventure game called "Donald Trump's America Online".
  • Jason: Babies
    • Law And Order: SVU: Babies: Kart Racing. Mode 7 Kart racer where the cast of Law and Order: SVU are babies and they drive weaponized go-karts
  • Alex: FMV
    • Contradiction 2: Escalating Hi-Jenks