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First impressions of Mass Effect Andromeda

I haven't been loving it. The control feels jerky and stilted. When I was running to Cora's position at the beginning of the first combat encounter, I ran into some rocks on the ground that stopped my movement entirely. These weren't huge boulders, they were just large pebbles sticking out of the ground. Yet I couldn't move at all against them. Weird.

The game's also buggy as hell. After you and your dad accomplish the thing at the end of the level, there's a ton of cutscenes that you can't fast forward through at all. Then there's a cutscene that plays with the Kett main villain guy. However, on PC, my computer locked up twice while playing this one buggy cutscene. So I had to reboot my PC. Then, when I resumed the game, it placed me back at the start of all those cutscenes, the ones that you absolutely cannot skip through. This took ages to get through. Unbelievable that 1) That Kett cutscene actually locks up my computer, and 2) that the cutscenes beforehand can't be sped through.

There's ridiculous holo boundaries that box you in for no reason in the opening level. You'll go into a cave and come across a large tropical tree and a scorpion trapped in a dome. But then you head out the back entrance to the cave and there's just this shimmering blue field that comes across the screen and makes you head back to the designated mission area, Battlefield-style. It's very bizarre and takes me out of the game. They could've just blocked off the back of the cave. I don't understand why you'd allow the player to head out and see a new area of the planet, just to put up an arbitrary mission boundary like that.

The game has infinitely respawning Kett right when you and your dad make the first big push up into the remnant compound. I noticed this because I stayed back and kept shooting them until I ran out of ammo for both my AR and my pistol. Really dumb decision.

You can't unequip and sell your default stuff on the Nexus for some reason. I got a Black Widow out of a loot crate and wanted to equip it and get rid of my pistol at the arms vendor, but the game wouldn't allow this. I also couldn't unequip consumable ammo to sell. This makes no sense.

Everybody's already covered the horrible facial animation.

I will say this one positive for the combat, you will hit whatever you aim at with your crosshair, which is more than can be said for the other game I've been playing atm, GR Wildlands. In Wildlands, you can place your crosshair on an enemy rounding a corner and fire at him, but the bullet just hits the wall corner that's blocking the path between your gun barrel and the enemy. In Andromeda, I feel fully confident that anything in my crosshair will be an unblocked shot. That's very commendable and I applaud them for that decision.

What's not so great is how the enemies don't seem to react or stagger when hit by my weapons. I'm playing on Hardcore, so I expect the enemies to be somewhat bullet sponges, and they are. But it'd be nice to see some effect of my rounds impacting them. Especially when you're going up against the shielded machine gun-wielding Kett soldiers, those things can take ages to kill with an M8 avenger, but there's never any reaction when I shoot them.

Enemies also seem to take cover for way too long without peeking out or moving. This is really annoying and feels like wasting time. I'm in cover waiting for them to peek out so I can shoot them, but they must be scared or something, because they just stay in cover and do nothing. This is not great AI or gameplay flow.

So far, I think the reviews have been pretty accurate. I kinda wish I was back playing GR Wildlands.

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