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VGA Trailer: Transformers Fall of Cybertron


I get the feeling that the guys who did this Fall of Cybertron CGI trailer are not the same folks who did the CGI intro for War for Cybertron. While Bumblebee looks fine, Optimus Prime looks quite a bit "off-model," particularly his head. In the WFC intro, all the characters looked like CGI versions of their in game models, it was spot on. Here, Prime's head looks completely different, and Megatron is a ways off as well. Here, his arms taper down to the hands, while the WFC Megatron had block arms. The Cybertronian mace he's holding also looks a bit slimmer then the one in WFC. It kinda feels like the animators doing this trailer just looked at a few screenshots of the game but didn't really reference them much, trying to go off of their memory, and you get these big alterations. Or maybe they purposefully redesigned them. But I doubt it, because other Transformers like Bumblebee and Starscream look exactly the same.

Bruticus looks pretty good. I hope the ingame model has a more interesting color scheme though, instead of just a lot of purple. I uh, I also hope that they don't plan to have Grimlock fight Bruticus by himself, cause there's no way Grimlock could take him on. I mean, he needed the rest of the Dinobots with him to even stand a chance of defeating Devastator. And as far as the combiners go, Bruticus is even stronger then Devastator. 
Oh, and I just saw this Game Informer preview detailing Fall of Cybertron's new weapons. I gotta say... these new guns look like they're gonna be amazing. Just outstanding work by High Moon.