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DAO Blog - Part 1: Origin Take 2!

Officially (I think) starting off this blog as I round off my Human Noble Origin. 
How do I know I'm going to enjoy this origin? In the first seconds of the Origin, Tim Curry is there. My only disappointment is that when the bastard eventually betrays me (as any "good" Tim Curry character should do!) I didn't get to see him spout off any evil moustache twirling lines.  Oh Tim Curry, why do you tease me. Come back! 
What really amused me through this origin was Operation "If it has pockets, I'll steal every damn thing from it". With a cunning of 16 and Steal Level 1 - I robbed every damn person in that castle. 
"Hello loyal and dutiful guard!" *Yoink!* 
"Hi poor servant that probably makes coppers per day" *YOINK* 
"Yes, yes, I love you too mother..." *YOINK!" 
Except for three big dogs in the beginning (Your Father, Arl "Curry" Howe, and Duncan) none stood in path of my pilfering joy. On the same note, I hate children. They have nothing. Worthless brats! Also, only one chest stood in my way - which I can accept, especially since I will not be picking up on the "Pick Lock" tree until level 5 and 6.
All in all, the voice acting was just right. I thought the PC's brother was amusing and real, even the child voices weren't corny. The tutor amused me as he walked off saying "Apparently I'm just going to walk off here and talk to myself, talk to myself *mumbles off*". The dialogue offered to interact to them was just right and as this was my second time through this origin, I noticed that regardless of choices they ended up generally saying the same thing - although each time I never chose anything too radical. So the human noble origin was pretty straight forward as far as dialogue choices went. I think it's strength came in the fact that it was moderately sizeable so that it was fun to explore without being overwhelming. Also I accept it as a "tutorial" stage, introducing some basic elements seamlessly. I enjoyed it very much. Plus, I got to flirt an elf into my bed - sealing the fact that my character will no doubt be a man-whore. Ah Sweet Iona.

Play time was 1 hour and 57 minutes. This was with a nice down time of going through all the codex and soaking in the lore at the very end as I stand perched on Ostagar. And what lovely well thought out lore it is. The writer's really put time into this. Sections like "Religion" have hymns and such as if the Chantry and the Chant of Light was a real thing. I especially enjoy how "skewed" the points of history can be from the Chantry's teaching. 
So as the Blog Topic states, this is my second time through Human Noble Origin - so I probably lost some initial observations this time through and probably wandered less. I did this specifically to respec my Rogue down a certain talent tree which I thought would be far more useful. And as I'm playing on Hard Difficulty, I really feel I'll have to keep an efficient line up of things. I'll pop a new blog shortly in the evening after wandering the Korcari and clearing it out. I can already assume I'll be talking more about companions and battle tactics as I skipped on it here. But I'm itching to get back in... so... yes, back I go!