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Gamestop, and Why Im Not Buying Anything From there Ever Again

I've been a pretty loyal gamestop consumer for what I can say is roughly a decade now. They've supplied me with some of my favorite releases over the years and for the most part have been....well decent actually. I've never been exactly pleased with the how gamestop does it's business, and their practices leave much to be desired. For one thing I've had 2 accounts now for at least 3 years, and games get pre-ordered on whichever account a gamestop employee can figure out. And no one has ever been able to solve that issue for me. Secondly they have lost a pre-order of mine in the past. I can't remember the game, but luckily for them it was only a measly $5, and I actually never picked up the game. See I have this problem where I pre-order a game, then either never pick it up, or pick it up way past it's release date. This has never been part of the problem, well until now. 
Yesterday I went into Gamestop to check on some pre-orders, two of which are upcoming (Etrian Odyssey 3, and Civilization V), and one of which already came out (Metroid: Other M). When I went in I had one objective, and that was to somehow pre-order the Civilization V CE that will release this coming Tuesday. Needless to say I couldn't do that, but I was a bit confused when the store clerk told me that no Gamestop would have additional CE's to buy locally. And he went on to say that no one had pre-ordered the CE in my area. Fair enough I thought, Civilization V is Halo: Reach, but still I felt it odd that they would have no extras at all in my city (Albuquerque). So, committed to obtaining my CE, i instructed the clerk that i'd like to recover pre-order money in Civilization V and Metroid: Other M so I can buy the game from another store in the are that would have it (Best Buy would have it, and they would get 4 copies in).  This is where things began to bother me. Neither of my pre-orders for these games were in the system, and despite the insistence of the employee after checking both my accounts, and the pre-order list for my name on these games he turned up nothing. This was quickly becoming alarming because I am convinced I at least spent $40 on these pre-orders in the last month. Now I couldn't recollect exactly when I came in, or how much I put down, mostly due to the fact that I come in Gamestop maybe once or twice a month, but still in the back of my mind I knew that I put money down on these games. And especially right now after starting a new job, and balancing funds back and forth this sounded disastrous to me. Despite my rising confusion and ire I went ahead and remained patient with the clerk. So I chalked it up to bad luck, i'd have to go home to retrieve my receipts as proof of what happened, and a permanent mental note was filed that Gamestop's computer systems either aren't worth a shit, or they deliberately like losing your money. Now as a quick meta argument to those of you who are already coming up with arguments to the money loss issue, would you be so kind or forgiving to your bank if they lost $40 of your money? This is of course similar because you are pooling cash into an account that will be later used, but in this case the account is held by the store, and should be just as secure and well-guarded as that of a bank, at least in my opinion. Anyways onwards. 
There is something i've learned in customer service, and it has nothing to do with the customer is always right. That is a lie, and everyone in customer service knows its a lie. The truth is that you should always give quality customer service. No matter what. A fellow employee of mine put it in the best possible light. Imagine you go to the gas station and you pull into a pump to put gas. At this particular pump, before filling up, you have a hard time swiping your credit card. This makes it take longer than usual to pump gas. As you are pumping gas you notice that the pump seems to pump gas slower than usual also adding to the time spent. To make matters worse the controls on the screen don't feedback correctly when selecting to opt in or out of a receipt. And when your finally done, and think the gas pumping is finished instead it sends a stream gas all over your shoes. The likelihood is that you'll leave this gas station extremely fed up with what has happened, and are likely never to return again. Now here's the kicker. All the other pumps were operating normally except for this one, but incidentally all it took was the bad pump to cement the bad experience in your mind and make you certain that you'd not return to the gas station ever again. Substitute gas pumps for employees, and gas stations for any type of store, in this case Gamestop, and I think you get the picture. 
Admittedly this isn't the first time that I've run into this particular employee at Gamestop and felt that he really needed to rethink his choice of job in customer service, and his cohort did a good job in mirroring their general lack of customer service. Unfortunately during this entire episode these guys were mostly unhelpful, or secondly unwilling to help me. It seemed like I had to pull teeth just to get these asshats to see where my money went, and try to get a resolution. At the end of all this, I just wanted to get out of the store and not come back. So when I was fed up trying to find where my money went, and he was at his limit for pretending to try to give a damn about what his store did with my money, I just had one thing I wanted. I wanted my Etrian Odyssey 3 art book. I pre-ordered the game, and it was shwag I got before the game released, I checked the web site. I'd talked to him about the damn artbook before, and for some reason now he was acting like he had no idea that I got it before the release date. He made some backward comment about how 'I guess i'll give you the artbook before its released', and I could tell that either he had no clue what he was doing, or purposely trying to drive me over the edge. I really just wanted to tell him that it was my damn artbook whether or not the game was released, because I pre-ordered it, but I decided to be reserved. And after having my artbook I gave them both a fond farewell upon leaving the store, perfectly content with the fact that I was only coming back in to pick up Etrian Odyssey 3 on Tuesday, and no more.  
Now this has already been pretty long-winded up to now, and whoever is reading this is probably wondering, 'Well how are you so certain that you got jipped out of your money?' Well im certain because when I got home later I found my Civiliation V preorder receipt. And although I can't find the Metroid: Other M preorder receipt, im feeling pretty confident that I put money down, and secondly that im probably not gonna get it back. This is damn infuriating, and anyone who is content with merely giving their money away and can make excuses about this is just trying to make excuses for some really archaic and dangerous policies.
Now this account may not seem like that big of a deal, but again this has everything to do with how i've been treated by other store employees. I've had a good rapport with the manager for awhile, and when I go in we chat about our favorite games, whats coming out, and pc stuff. There's a girl that works there too and she's been very friendly, and has given me stuff that they've had extras for nearly every time i've seen her, and she's always given good customer service. But then there are these two that only know the blank stare of the abyss whenever the customer comes in, and is coincidentally the reaction they give to all customer inquiries. I have a good experience with some of the employees of that Gamestop, but it's come down to repeated issues with the way Gamestop does things, and then some really bad apples at these stores that makes me come to the conclusion that I no longer want to give them my business. I've decided to go with Best Buy for the time being. Now while I know there are many problems leveled at Best Buy I have to say several things for them. First, their customer service for me has always been good, and secondly, and most importantly, they will actually have copies of what I want to pick up and not order games based upon a fixed demand policy. And well this policy is how Gamestop makes the most of its reveneue, it makes it revenue by catering mainly to preorders, and then shoving used games down your throat. I'd like to know an actual percentage of used to new games in the store, because im absolutely positive its in favor of the used. And that really is just shit business practice. So thanks and good luck Gamestop. You've given me many years of games, but im tired of your bullshit. Your a fickle bitch, and your prostitution like practices are gonna make you get an STD.



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Edited By devosion

I've been a pretty loyal gamestop consumer for what I can say is roughly a decade now. They've supplied me with some of my favorite releases over the years and for the most part have been....well decent actually. I've never been exactly pleased with the how gamestop does it's business, and their practices leave much to be desired. For one thing I've had 2 accounts now for at least 3 years, and games get pre-ordered on whichever account a gamestop employee can figure out. And no one has ever been able to solve that issue for me. Secondly they have lost a pre-order of mine in the past. I can't remember the game, but luckily for them it was only a measly $5, and I actually never picked up the game. See I have this problem where I pre-order a game, then either never pick it up, or pick it up way past it's release date. This has never been part of the problem, well until now. 
Yesterday I went into Gamestop to check on some pre-orders, two of which are upcoming (Etrian Odyssey 3, and Civilization V), and one of which already came out (Metroid: Other M). When I went in I had one objective, and that was to somehow pre-order the Civilization V CE that will release this coming Tuesday. Needless to say I couldn't do that, but I was a bit confused when the store clerk told me that no Gamestop would have additional CE's to buy locally. And he went on to say that no one had pre-ordered the CE in my area. Fair enough I thought, Civilization V is Halo: Reach, but still I felt it odd that they would have no extras at all in my city (Albuquerque). So, committed to obtaining my CE, i instructed the clerk that i'd like to recover pre-order money in Civilization V and Metroid: Other M so I can buy the game from another store in the are that would have it (Best Buy would have it, and they would get 4 copies in).  This is where things began to bother me. Neither of my pre-orders for these games were in the system, and despite the insistence of the employee after checking both my accounts, and the pre-order list for my name on these games he turned up nothing. This was quickly becoming alarming because I am convinced I at least spent $40 on these pre-orders in the last month. Now I couldn't recollect exactly when I came in, or how much I put down, mostly due to the fact that I come in Gamestop maybe once or twice a month, but still in the back of my mind I knew that I put money down on these games. And especially right now after starting a new job, and balancing funds back and forth this sounded disastrous to me. Despite my rising confusion and ire I went ahead and remained patient with the clerk. So I chalked it up to bad luck, i'd have to go home to retrieve my receipts as proof of what happened, and a permanent mental note was filed that Gamestop's computer systems either aren't worth a shit, or they deliberately like losing your money. Now as a quick meta argument to those of you who are already coming up with arguments to the money loss issue, would you be so kind or forgiving to your bank if they lost $40 of your money? This is of course similar because you are pooling cash into an account that will be later used, but in this case the account is held by the store, and should be just as secure and well-guarded as that of a bank, at least in my opinion. Anyways onwards. 
There is something i've learned in customer service, and it has nothing to do with the customer is always right. That is a lie, and everyone in customer service knows its a lie. The truth is that you should always give quality customer service. No matter what. A fellow employee of mine put it in the best possible light. Imagine you go to the gas station and you pull into a pump to put gas. At this particular pump, before filling up, you have a hard time swiping your credit card. This makes it take longer than usual to pump gas. As you are pumping gas you notice that the pump seems to pump gas slower than usual also adding to the time spent. To make matters worse the controls on the screen don't feedback correctly when selecting to opt in or out of a receipt. And when your finally done, and think the gas pumping is finished instead it sends a stream gas all over your shoes. The likelihood is that you'll leave this gas station extremely fed up with what has happened, and are likely never to return again. Now here's the kicker. All the other pumps were operating normally except for this one, but incidentally all it took was the bad pump to cement the bad experience in your mind and make you certain that you'd not return to the gas station ever again. Substitute gas pumps for employees, and gas stations for any type of store, in this case Gamestop, and I think you get the picture. 
Admittedly this isn't the first time that I've run into this particular employee at Gamestop and felt that he really needed to rethink his choice of job in customer service, and his cohort did a good job in mirroring their general lack of customer service. Unfortunately during this entire episode these guys were mostly unhelpful, or secondly unwilling to help me. It seemed like I had to pull teeth just to get these asshats to see where my money went, and try to get a resolution. At the end of all this, I just wanted to get out of the store and not come back. So when I was fed up trying to find where my money went, and he was at his limit for pretending to try to give a damn about what his store did with my money, I just had one thing I wanted. I wanted my Etrian Odyssey 3 art book. I pre-ordered the game, and it was shwag I got before the game released, I checked the web site. I'd talked to him about the damn artbook before, and for some reason now he was acting like he had no idea that I got it before the release date. He made some backward comment about how 'I guess i'll give you the artbook before its released', and I could tell that either he had no clue what he was doing, or purposely trying to drive me over the edge. I really just wanted to tell him that it was my damn artbook whether or not the game was released, because I pre-ordered it, but I decided to be reserved. And after having my artbook I gave them both a fond farewell upon leaving the store, perfectly content with the fact that I was only coming back in to pick up Etrian Odyssey 3 on Tuesday, and no more.  
Now this has already been pretty long-winded up to now, and whoever is reading this is probably wondering, 'Well how are you so certain that you got jipped out of your money?' Well im certain because when I got home later I found my Civiliation V preorder receipt. And although I can't find the Metroid: Other M preorder receipt, im feeling pretty confident that I put money down, and secondly that im probably not gonna get it back. This is damn infuriating, and anyone who is content with merely giving their money away and can make excuses about this is just trying to make excuses for some really archaic and dangerous policies.
Now this account may not seem like that big of a deal, but again this has everything to do with how i've been treated by other store employees. I've had a good rapport with the manager for awhile, and when I go in we chat about our favorite games, whats coming out, and pc stuff. There's a girl that works there too and she's been very friendly, and has given me stuff that they've had extras for nearly every time i've seen her, and she's always given good customer service. But then there are these two that only know the blank stare of the abyss whenever the customer comes in, and is coincidentally the reaction they give to all customer inquiries. I have a good experience with some of the employees of that Gamestop, but it's come down to repeated issues with the way Gamestop does things, and then some really bad apples at these stores that makes me come to the conclusion that I no longer want to give them my business. I've decided to go with Best Buy for the time being. Now while I know there are many problems leveled at Best Buy I have to say several things for them. First, their customer service for me has always been good, and secondly, and most importantly, they will actually have copies of what I want to pick up and not order games based upon a fixed demand policy. And well this policy is how Gamestop makes the most of its reveneue, it makes it revenue by catering mainly to preorders, and then shoving used games down your throat. I'd like to know an actual percentage of used to new games in the store, because im absolutely positive its in favor of the used. And that really is just shit business practice. So thanks and good luck Gamestop. You've given me many years of games, but im tired of your bullshit. Your a fickle bitch, and your prostitution like practices are gonna make you get an STD.

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If you can't find the Other M receipt, check your bank account transaction history, assuming you didn't pay cash. 
Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world. 
Or at least that's what I've seen. 

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Edited By MethodMan008
Bummer dude.  If you do it again hang on to your receipts...  Not to mention the gamestop powerup website keeps track of all your pre-orders... 
I just recently moved from Kansas City to a little crappy college town...  The people at gamestop in KC knew by name cause I spent at least a hundred bucks or so a month...  I really liked the employees there and they treated me pretty well... 
Well I went to the new gamestop in my crappy little town to preorder James Bond 007: Blood Stone..  Then the lady at the cash register said would you like to pre-order Halo Reach or CoD Black Ops, I said no thanks...  She asked me if I was sure, because BO and Halo were two of the most pre-ordered games in gamestop history, i politely said no thanks again...  then she told me she was certain that Halo Reach and Black Ops would be much better shooters than BloodStone and asked me if I would like to switch my pre-order from Blood Stone to Halo or Black Ops... 
My jaw dropped..   
After I pick up Blood Stone I won't be going back to that gamestop.
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Edited By luce
@MethodMan008 said:
" Bummer dude.  If you do it again hang on to your receipts...  Not to mention the gamestop powerup website keeps track of all your pre-orders...  I just recently moved from Kansas City to a little crappy college town...  The people at gamestop in KC knew by name cause I spent at least a hundred bucks or so a month...  I really liked the employees there and they treated me pretty well...  Well I went to the new gamestop in my crappy little town to preorder James Bond 007: Blood Stone..  Then the lady at the cash register said would you like to pre-order Halo Reach or CoD Black Ops, I said no thanks...  She asked me if I was sure, because BO and Halo were two of the most pre-ordered games in gamestop history, i politely said no thanks again...  then she told me she was certain that Halo Reach and Black Ops would be much better shooters than BloodStone and asked me if I would like to switch my pre-order from Blood Stone to Halo or Black Ops...  My jaw dropped..    After I pick up Blood Stone I won't be going back to that gamestop. "
Hey! It's the lady from the Gamestop you went to!
Good news! You can still return Blood Stone and put that money towards Pre-ordering Black Ops!!
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Edited By EVHKwick

So, you found one of the receipts, but aren't going to go back to show them proof of your pre-order? It doesn't seem like you even spoke with the manager who you claim to be on good terms with.
It sounds like this Gamestop has treated you just fine, and you have a problem with some of the employees.
And I'm also gonna go ahead and say that it's your responsibility to keep track of your money and where it's spent. Yeah, they did have an issue and should've had you in the system and are accountable, but if you're going to make this big a deal about $40 dollars, you should've had your receipts in a safe place in case something were to happen.

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Edited By Nitrocore

 I can relate, i v'e had a few run in's with game stores over the years myself. I pre ordered a Wii from Gamestation. I waited outside the store at midnight on the Wii's launch on my own for about 35 minutes. Upon entering the store I was told by an employee that there was no record of my pre order, even though I was holding my reciept in my hand. After shouting "for fucks sake" at the top of my lungs I left empty handed.  Iv'e never really had a pleasant encounter with a game store clerk, mainly because my mother has more knowledge on games than they do, and my mum knows very little about anything. 
 I was once told by a member of staff that a game wasn't coming out on the xbox 360, after asking if they had any copies of the game in stock, I then pointed to the game on the shelf with the 360 logo on it, this new found information didn't phase him at all. I think one of the requirements for getting a job in a game store is having next to no brain at all, no offensive to the men and women with brains that manage to cheat there way past their rules  .

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Edited By Feanor

Id sub if they would make bitching about gamestop a bannable offense.

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Edited By zeforgotten
@Feanor said:
" Id sub if they would make bitching about gamestop a bannable offense. "
20.000 subs and maybe they will! :D
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Edited By Afroman269

So much text so little time. Yes yes fuck Gamestop so on and so forth.

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Edited By PrivateIronTFU
@devosion said:
There is something i've learned in customer service, and it has nothing to do with the customer is always right. That is a lie, and everyone in customer service knows its a lie. The truth is that you should always give quality customer service. No matter what.  
Thank you. I worked off and on in customer service a couple years back, and THAT is the attitude I had.  
Fortunately, the Gamestop in my town recently fired it's main employees, and hired on two of the nicest people that used to work at the Game Crazy before it was shut down. The atmosphere has changed dramatically. Sure, they still try to sell you stuff, but that's pretty much like any business these days. 
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Edited By citizenkane
@WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me.
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Edited By trophyhunter

What a new and original idea. I've honestly NEVER heard ANYONE say bad things about them before.
Let me just take a seat here, my whole world view just crumbled!!!
REALLY? REEEEEALLY?  You hand a bad experience at gamestop?
I say good day sir IIII say goooood day.

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Edited By citizenkane
@ZeForgotten said:
" @Feanor said:
" Id sub if they would make bitching about gamestop a bannable offense. "
20.000 subs and maybe they will! :D "
Hell, you don't need 20,000 subs.  Just give me $5 and some chocolate cupcakes and I will ban them for you.
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Edited By zeforgotten
@CitizenKane said:
" @ZeForgotten said:
" @Feanor said:
" Id sub if they would make bitching about gamestop a bannable offense. "
20.000 subs and maybe they will! :D "
Hell, you don't need 20,000 subs.  Just give me and some chocolate cupcakes and I will ban them for you. "
Bah, for you it's 10 bucks chocolate cupcakes and free coffee.
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Edited By Afroman269
@CitizenKane: Time for supermarket run. 
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Edited By Claude
@CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:
"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "
I have had absolutely no problems win my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
I have 3 Gamestops in my area and have never had a problem as well. I've also gotten some good deals being an Edge member and all.
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Edited By nywt

I can understand being upset with Gamestop "losing" your money on the pre-orders but to then go and demand your pre-order bonus before the game is even out is kind of ridiculous. You say that they weren't providing good customer service but then with your actions you become one of the customers that all cs employees hate to deal with.

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Edited By yetiantics

"I can't find your account" 
Yeah, they pull this when they don't want their numbers to suffer. 
You were cancelling 2 games. 
Yeah, this has happened to me before at one of the stores here in town. 
Thats why I drive 15 miles to Northside to get my preorders. It's a slow store, and most of my friends/ex co-workers work there. 
also, F Best Buy! IMO they are worst than Gamestop.

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Edited By rjayb89

Prepping twinkie box for CitizenKane...

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Edited By CL60
@CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated. 
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@RobotHamster said:
" TLDR. "
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Edited By citizenkane
@CL60 said:
" @CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated.  "
People exaggerate over the internet?  That's preposterous, sir.  Just preposterous.
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Edited By bravetoaster

I'll read the shorter version whenever you post it.

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Edited By CL60
@CitizenKane said:
" @CL60 said:
" @CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated.  "
People exaggerate over the internet?  That's preposterous, sir.  Just preposterous. "
I know, right? I was surprised too.
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Edited By nick_verissimo

I avoid gamestop's and eb games at all costs in my area because they are just not worth the hassle.  There is a little indie. game store near my house where I go to and all of their prices and selections are very reasonable (they sell games and systems from the NES generation until now).  Hell, they let me pick hard to find games off of their vendor's list and hold them for me if they actually ever get them.  That's how I went about getting my copies of Persona 3 and 4 and copies of Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana  and were only 40 bucks each. Albeit, very few people have this option, but if you can seek them out do it!

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Edited By greennoodles
@CL60 said:
" @CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated.  "
The manager at my local store spent 15 min telling me about how stole his Counterstrike name and used it on MLG, using his stats to make money while cheating. It was like an 80's movie for dudes that play Counterstrike. It ended when he challenged him to a match one on one and beat him but told him to keep the name because he isn't in it for the money. All I wanted to do was buy MW2. I was at the counter with the game in hand. When he finally got me what I wanted he said I shouldn't get it for 360 because he just went to a games conference and MS said that they were about to release a new cartridge based system that I couldn't play my games on so this (holding up my game) will be useless in a year. He then threw my game across the store and said I needed to buy a PS3 cause they had 4 in stock and I wouldn't be able to find one for the next year. 
That happened.... he was a fucking manager and THAT FUCKING HAPPENED! Never been into a GS since. Say what you will about it being a one off experience but I do not want to patron a place that hires whatever the fuck that dude was.
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Edited By Belonpopo

I'm not reading this. You wasted your time.

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Edited By Binman88
@hack745 said:
" So, you found one of the receipts, but aren't going to go back to show them proof of your pre-order? It doesn't seem like you even spoke with the manager who you claim to be on good terms with. It sounds like this Gamestop has treated you just fine, and you have a problem with some of the employees. And I'm also gonna go ahead and say that it's your responsibility to keep track of your money and where it's spent. Yeah, they did have an issue and should've had you in the system and are accountable, but if you're going to make this big a deal about $40 dollars, you should've had your receipts in a safe place in case something were to happen. "
This is a good post. 
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Edited By EVHKwick
@greennoodles said:
" @CL60 said:
" @CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated.  "
The manager at my local store spent 15 min telling me about how stole his Counterstrike name and used it on MLG, using his stats to make money while cheating. It was like an 80's movie for dudes that play Counterstrike. It ended when he challenged him to a match one on one and beat him but told him to keep the name because he isn't in it for the money. All I wanted to do was buy MW2. I was at the counter with the game in hand. When he finally got me what I wanted he said I shouldn't get it for 360 because he just went to a games conference and MS said that they were about to release a new cartridge based system that I couldn't play my games on so this (holding up my game) will be useless in a year. He then threw my game across the store and said I needed to buy a PS3 cause they had 4 in stock and I wouldn't be able to find one for the next year.  That happened.... he was a fucking manager and THAT FUCKING HAPPENED! Never been into a GS since. Say what you will about it being a one off experience but I do not want to patron a place that hires whatever the fuck that dude was. "
And this is GameStop's fault how?  
Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere.
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Edited By greennoodles
@Binman88 said:
" @hack745 said:
" So, you found one of the receipts, but aren't going to go back to show them proof of your pre-order? It doesn't seem like you even spoke with the manager who you claim to be on good terms with. It sounds like this Gamestop has treated you just fine, and you have a problem with some of the employees. And I'm also gonna go ahead and say that it's your responsibility to keep track of your money and where it's spent. Yeah, they did have an issue and should've had you in the system and are accountable, but if you're going to make this big a deal about $40 dollars, you should've had your receipts in a safe place in case something were to happen. "
This is a good post.  "
I agree with everything except that the store has treated him fine. Poor customer service should not be excused and it sucks that people just expect it. Employees are an extension of the employer and the employer should be help responsible. If his way to do that is by not giving them his business then he is justified. It seems like there are as many Gamestop apologists as there are haters. 
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Edited By greennoodles
@hack745 said:
" @greennoodles said:
" @CL60 said:
" @CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
The problems people have with Gamestop are slightly exaggerated.  "
The manager at my local store spent 15 min telling me about how stole his Counterstrike name and used it on MLG, using his stats to make money while cheating. It was like an 80's movie for dudes that play Counterstrike. It ended when he challenged him to a match one on one and beat him but told him to keep the name because he isn't in it for the money. All I wanted to do was buy MW2. I was at the counter with the game in hand. When he finally got me what I wanted he said I shouldn't get it for 360 because he just went to a games conference and MS said that they were about to release a new cartridge based system that I couldn't play my games on so this (holding up my game) will be useless in a year. He then threw my game across the store and said I needed to buy a PS3 cause they had 4 in stock and I wouldn't be able to find one for the next year.  That happened.... he was a fucking manager and THAT FUCKING HAPPENED! Never been into a GS since. Say what you will about it being a one off experience but I do not want to patron a place that hires whatever the fuck that dude was. "
And this is GameStop's fault how?   Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere. "
As I said in my post above, employees are an extension of the employer, I have worked in retail for 10 years no, on both ends of that, and the employer should be held responsible for hiring someone like that. If you hire a roofer and the roofer comes in and tells you that your house looks like shit and  tells you you are dumb for getting something done, then does a bad job do you say "oh well, he is just an asshole" or do you call his employer and use a different company?  
In retail you should expect to get good service and shouldn't take any less.
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@CitizenKane said:
" @WEGGLES said:

"Also I really don't see people lining up to defend gamestop here. They seem to be the villain of the video game world.  Or at least that's what I've seen.  "

I have had absolutely no problems in my years with Gamestop.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but they have always been cool with me. "
My particular location has been OK. The staff all seem indifferent, except for one of the managers. He's usually nice and helpful. But I more meant people hating on used games/gamestop charging so much for used games yet giving so little/pre-order bonuses/selling opened games as new. 
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Edited By EVHKwick
@greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said: 
And this is GameStop's fault how?   Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere. "
As I said in my post above, employees are an extension of the employer, I have worked in retail for 10 years no, on both ends of that, and the employer should be held responsible for hiring someone like that. If you hire a roofer and the roofer comes in and tells you that your house looks like shit and  tells you you are dumb for getting something done, then does a bad job do you say "oh well, he is just an asshole" or do you call his employer and use a different company?   In retail you should expect to get good service and shouldn't take any less. "
Did you file a formal complaint with corporate? He's still employed because no one else has complained either. I'd say without taking any steps to remove him from his position, you are part of the problem. 
By the way, people usually aren't douches at job interviews. His employer probably has no idea he acts like that. I don't think it's fair to blame the employer for something they aren't aware of.
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Edited By Origina1Penguin

I stopped pre-ordering at Gamestop when I pre-ordered a game months before release, but then they gave away all of their pre-order bonuses before I came to claim mine. The entire reason for my pre-order was so I could get the sweet bonus stuff, so why is it all gone on the day the game releases? This actually happened twice.
I pre-order at Best Buy now.

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Edited By greennoodles
@hack745 said:
" @greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said: 
And this is GameStop's fault how?   Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere. "
As I said in my post above, employees are an extension of the employer, I have worked in retail for 10 years no, on both ends of that, and the employer should be held responsible for hiring someone like that. If you hire a roofer and the roofer comes in and tells you that your house looks like shit and  tells you you are dumb for getting something done, then does a bad job do you say "oh well, he is just an asshole" or do you call his employer and use a different company?   In retail you should expect to get good service and shouldn't take any less. "
Did you file a formal complaint with corporate? He's still employed because no one else has complained either. I'd say without taking any steps to remove him from his position, you are part of the problem.  By the way, people usually aren't douches at job interviews. His employer probably has no idea he acts like that. I don't think it's fair to blame the employer for something they aren't aware of. "
Yes I did, and I got an auto-response back saying they were sorry. Since I live very close to the store I happen to know without going in that he is still there in his position. They may have sent him something I am not sure but I choose to not give them my business because of the incident. Thank you for assuming I did not. I always report problems and good service that I get anywhere I go, so no I am not part of the problem. 
I am confused, by your demeanor you seem to really like Gamestop, but you say I am part of "the problem". If you are happy with them than what is "the problem"? Do you work there or are you just blindly defending a faceless corporation? Do people not have the right to have a bad experience and then hold the company responsible for said experience?  
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Edited By AthleticShark

Honestly, I have not bought from them in a long time. This is because every time I go and want to pre-order a special edoition, "We can't pre-order them anymore, come in on release day and maybe we will have one". To that I simply say, "Ok, guess I will just get it from Amazon". 
So now a days, Amazon or some other online retailer is the best bet. Besides, no tax ;D 
Also, Amazon always has the CE no matter how late, never have to worry.

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Edited By greennoodles
@Origina1Penguin said:
" I stopped pre-ordering at Gamestop when I pre-ordered a game months before release, but then they gave away all of their pre-order bonuses before I came to claim mine. The entire reason for my pre-order was so I could get the sweet bonus stuff, so why is it all gone on the day the game releases? This actually happened twice. I pre-order at Best Buy now. "
Is it their fault that they couldn't keep track of them? Or that they oversold? Mr. Gamestop did not do that, everyplace has assholes that work there so it isn't their fault. 
See how dumb I sound, lol
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Edited By Binman88
@greennoodles said:
" @Binman88 said:
" @hack745 said:
" So, you found one of the receipts, but aren't going to go back to show them proof of your pre-order? It doesn't seem like you even spoke with the manager who you claim to be on good terms with. It sounds like this Gamestop has treated you just fine, and you have a problem with some of the employees. And I'm also gonna go ahead and say that it's your responsibility to keep track of your money and where it's spent. Yeah, they did have an issue and should've had you in the system and are accountable, but if you're going to make this big a deal about $40 dollars, you should've had your receipts in a safe place in case something were to happen. "
This is a good post.  "
I agree with everything except that the store has treated him fine. Poor customer service should not be excused and it sucks that people just expect it. Employees are an extension of the employer and the employer should be help responsible. If his way to do that is by not giving them his business then he is justified. It seems like there are as many Gamestop apologists as there are haters.  "
Right, but where in his post does he explain how he was mistreated by this member of staff? I'm not trying to be smart - I could have missed it when I read the entire post, but I don't fancy re-reading it. The only mention I read about the staff was when they told him he wasn't on the system and that the Civ5 CE hadn't been pre-ordered at any Gamestops. The employee should make some effort to find the lost pre-orders, but the OP didn't really go into detail as to whether or not the employee tried his best to help him. Giving the employee the benefit of the doubt then, nothing I read makes the employee out to be any sort of spectacular asshole as the OP seems to be implying. 
Like I said, I honestly might have missed the paragraph where the employee spat on him and told him to fuck off.
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Edited By Insectecutor
@devosion said:
"So thanks and good luck Gamestop. You've given me many years of games, but im tired of your bullshit. Your a fickle bitch, and your prostitution like practices are gonna make you get an STD. "
lol. No more mr nice guy!
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Edited By greennoodles
@Binman88:  Lol, the part about the art book seemed out of line to me,
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Edited By EVHKwick
@greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said:
" @greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said: 
And this is GameStop's fault how?   Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere. "
As I said in my post above, employees are an extension of the employer, I have worked in retail for 10 years no, on both ends of that, and the employer should be held responsible for hiring someone like that. If you hire a roofer and the roofer comes in and tells you that your house looks like shit and  tells you you are dumb for getting something done, then does a bad job do you say "oh well, he is just an asshole" or do you call his employer and use a different company?   In retail you should expect to get good service and shouldn't take any less. "
Did you file a formal complaint with corporate? He's still employed because no one else has complained either. I'd say without taking any steps to remove him from his position, you are part of the problem.  By the way, people usually aren't douches at job interviews. His employer probably has no idea he acts like that. I don't think it's fair to blame the employer for something they aren't aware of. "
Yes I did, and I got an auto-response back saying they were sorry. Since I live very close to the store I happen to know without going in that he is still there in his position. They may have sent him something I am not sure but I choose to not give them my business because of the incident. Thank you for assuming I did not. I always report problems and good service that I get anywhere I go, so no I am not part of the problem.  I am confused, by your demeanor you seem to really like Gamestop, but you say I am part of "the problem". If you are happy with them than what is "the problem"? Do you work there or are you just blindly defending a faceless corporation? Do people not have the right to have a bad experience and then hold the company responsible for said experience?   "
More often than not, people don't take steps to do anything about their problems. My bad for assuming you were the same way. That's on me. 
Also more often than not, people bitch and moan about problems at GS that aren't really problems, just peeves from the consumer. GS is demonized on this board constantly, and I don't understand it. I've worked in hospitality and customer service for a long time, and most people complain about things that are part of the process. I used to be a bus boy, and I got screamed at for doing my job constantly because asking to take empty plates away was apparently ruining the flow of conversation. That's not my fault; that's how my job was structured, and that was on the customer for having a bad expectation of what my job was supposed to be. GS isn't the anti-Christ for pushing pre-orders, used games, and membership cards, but if you spent a while at this website, you'd see way too many people subscribing to that thought. I just get pissed at how irrational gamers are about their retail experience. 
And no, I don't work for GameStop, but I support them with my business because I don't have issues with petty nit-picking towards the reality of retail. I'm not so naive to believe a single employee is indicative of the company as a whole. Wouldn't it be nice if all employees were monitored and reprimanded constantly. Sorry I don't think in an idealized world. 
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Edited By greennoodles
@hack745 said:
" @greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said:
" @greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said: 
And this is GameStop's fault how?   Sounds like the dude is just a douche. Douches work everywhere. "
As I said in my post above, employees are an extension of the employer, I have worked in retail for 10 years no, on both ends of that, and the employer should be held responsible for hiring someone like that. If you hire a roofer and the roofer comes in and tells you that your house looks like shit and  tells you you are dumb for getting something done, then does a bad job do you say "oh well, he is just an asshole" or do you call his employer and use a different company?   In retail you should expect to get good service and shouldn't take any less. "
Did you file a formal complaint with corporate? He's still employed because no one else has complained either. I'd say without taking any steps to remove him from his position, you are part of the problem.  By the way, people usually aren't douches at job interviews. His employer probably has no idea he acts like that. I don't think it's fair to blame the employer for something they aren't aware of. "
Yes I did, and I got an auto-response back saying they were sorry. Since I live very close to the store I happen to know without going in that he is still there in his position. They may have sent him something I am not sure but I choose to not give them my business because of the incident. Thank you for assuming I did not. I always report problems and good service that I get anywhere I go, so no I am not part of the problem.  I am confused, by your demeanor you seem to really like Gamestop, but you say I am part of "the problem". If you are happy with them than what is "the problem"? Do you work there or are you just blindly defending a faceless corporation? Do people not have the right to have a bad experience and then hold the company responsible for said experience?   "
More often than not, people don't take steps to do anything about their problems. My bad for assuming you were the same way. That's on me.  Also more often than not, people bitch and moan about problems at GS that aren't really problems, just peeves from the consumer. GS is demonized on this board constantly, and I don't understand it. I've worked in hospitality and customer service for a long time, and most people complain about things that are part of the process. I used to be a bus boy, and I got screamed at for doing my job constantly because asking to take empty plates away was apparently ruining the flow of conversation. That's not my fault; that's how my job was structured, and that was on the customer for having a bad expectation of what my job was supposed to be. GS isn't the anti-Christ for pushing pre-orders, used games, and membership cards, but if you spent a while at this website, you'd see way too many people subscribing to that thought. I just get pissed at how irrational gamers are about their retail experience.  And no, I don't work for GameStop, but I support them with my business because I don't have issues with petty nit-picking towards the reality of retail. I'm not so naive to believe a single employee is indicative of the company as a whole. Wouldn't it be nice if all employees were monitored and reprimanded constantly. Sorry I don't think in an idealized world.  "
Nor do I but why deal with a company who will support that behavior when I can get my shit cheaper from amazon and not have asshole #1 fanboy the shit out of me,
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Edited By MikkaQ

It's a bummer, but at the same time, kinda your fault for paying for a product before it's released. I've always been flabbergasted by the idea. If I pay money, I want a product at that moment, or at least as fast as they can deliver it, if it's something huge. I don't trust anyone but myself and perhaps my bank to hold my funds. A store has too much to gain by "losing" your preorder. 

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Edited By EVHKwick
@greennoodles said:
" @hack745 said: 
More often than not, people don't take steps to do anything about their problems. My bad for assuming you were the same way. That's on me.  Also more often than not, people bitch and moan about problems at GS that aren't really problems, just peeves from the consumer. GS is demonized on this board constantly, and I don't understand it. I've worked in hospitality and customer service for a long time, and most people complain about things that are part of the process. I used to be a bus boy, and I got screamed at for doing my job constantly because asking to take empty plates away was apparently ruining the flow of conversation. That's not my fault; that's how my job was structured, and that was on the customer for having a bad expectation of what my job was supposed to be. GS isn't the anti-Christ for pushing pre-orders, used games, and membership cards, but if you spent a while at this website, you'd see way too many people subscribing to that thought. I just get pissed at how irrational gamers are about their retail experience.  And no, I don't work for GameStop, but I support them with my business because I don't have issues with petty nit-picking towards the reality of retail. I'm not so naive to believe a single employee is indicative of the company as a whole. Wouldn't it be nice if all employees were monitored and reprimanded constantly. Sorry I don't think in an idealized world.  "
Nor do I but why deal with a company who will support that behavior when I can get my shit cheaper from amazon and not have asshole #1 fanboy the shit out of me, "
I'm not saying deal with it, but don't blame GameStop for your once-off bad experience with a guy who was clearly just a douche and not indicative of the franchise. Again, in an ideal world, no one who's an asshole would be hired to work anywhere, but that's just not reality.
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Edited By Stubert73

I frankly don't understand pre-orders (for the most part). i did pre-order (day before) Halo: Reach from BB, but that was to get the $20 gift cert. If there's a game I know I want, I now wait until a day or so before it releases to see if there's a midnight launch,special sale or some other reason to pick one retailer over another. I used to like GS, but I don't want to traffic in their massively overpriced/underpaid used games. And frankly, I always feel like I need a shower when I leave one.

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Edited By Lordborg909

Here in New Zealand we dont have Gamestop. We have EB games and JBHIFI. But, you know, if you dont LIKE one of these places you just go somewhere else, instead of grandstanding and whining like a bitch.... just a thought :/

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@Lordborg909 said:
" Here in New Zealand we dont have Gamestop. We have EB games and JBHIFI. But, you know, if you dont LIKE one of these places you just go somewhere else, instead of grandstanding and whining like a bitch.... just a thought :/ "
Grandstanding and whinning like a bitch is as much a part of video game culture as Mario and Sonic.
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Edited By JJWeatherman

I say take your receipts back to the store and shove them in their face. If you complain a whole lot on top of that, you may even get your Other M money back too.

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@RobotHamster: Sadly, this. 
Drunkeness and caring to read 6 or so paragraphs don't go hand in hand.