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Dogshit Games

Today I opened up Twitter (I will never not call it that, do not test me) and found a not unusual sight there as it dies its long, agonizing death: an image with white bold text made explicitly for creating engagement. Get those clicks, quote retweets, arguments in the comments, just pile them on high for the OP to gorge upon as the site festers.

It is something that should remain in that writhing corpse of a social media platform and be forgotten. It provides nothing of value and leads only to anger and conflict.

But I have chosen Violence today, so here it is: "what game is this"

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I will be creating that list now. Not because I want to illicit people to start fights in comments, but because I generally am curious to find what games I consider would fall onto it.

There are many games that will be saved by one category or another. I find very little redeeming qualities in GTA games, for example, but calling their music dogshit is absurd to me. GTA games have such a diverse collection of licensed music perfect for their time period and slice of America they take place in. How could I call that dogshit?

Bioshock Infinite is a game that I have seen rot in real time in the eyes of the public, but I can't deny that it is a very, very pretty game despite what it shows being horrific.

I am going to add one more caveat to the list though so it doesn't bloat out of control:

I will only post games that I have played OR dabbled in, but seen majority through someone else playing it.

This disqualifies games like, for example, Five Nights at Freddy's, a property I feel has contributed nothing of value to humanity and I will never touch.

I will be adding to this list indefinitely as I either remember stinkers that I have long since pushed out of my brain or if I play some truly putrid games.

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'I played this game for 200 hours and it's terrible' is something you write when you've been fully Steam-review-pilled. Very few mainstream games meet all six criteria, if we're to be honest. That's why I would raise my eyebrows at your inclusion of the RPGs and Mario. All of those have at least one redeeming category even if one or more others are a heinous failure.

Anyway, you left out the original Bioshock, which undoubtedly belongs on this list.

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Edited By DevourerOfTime

@borgmaster: I played that game as long as I did out of a naïve belief that I can understand why people love a game that I do not if I just play enough of it.

I did not find out.

Also no original Bioshock because the game has good music, even if you barely ever hear it. It's close though.