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Rap Game Martin Van Buren

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BioShock 2

I was way excited about BioShock 2. For realsies. That first game, while flawed, was the shit. The story was deeply affecting and had many layers and metaphors, played pretty good, and had pretty stunning graphics. This one is also awesome. At first I was pretty turned off by the drill and slow movement of the character, but as the game progresses you upgrade that shit and your drill feels good and walking is just as fluid and fast as it was in the first game. The story is not as compelling as the first, but this is mainly due to the element of surprise in the first game. The second game takes you new places in Rapture, but these places are well designed and feel absolutely consistent with the 50's art deco style of Rapture.
That's about all I've got. The game is damn good. Play it if you liked the first.