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2017 GOTY

'Tis but a ranked list of 2017 releases I've completed. Ranked, as evidenced by the title, folks, although staggeringly sparse on account of everything I started but didn't finish.

List items

  • Because 100+ hours of emotionally resonant narrative and comparatively engaging combat do enough to justify its placement on this list.

  • It's peculiarly affecting despite the overly familiar thematic throughline permeating every aspect of the game.

  • Amazing if solely because of its more character-driven moments as discussed by GB frequently shortly after its release. Gameplay leaves something to be desired but is at least serviceable in the realm of FPS standards.

  • Entirely enamored of this from start to finish. A ton to do and explore whilst being a mild collect-a-thon I'm always a sucker for. Easily the best open world experience I've had in a long time and trumps Shadow of War in most departments.

  • Certainly scratches that Souls itch while establishing itself as something entirely standalone and worthwhile. Combat mechanics and rewarding outcomes following difficulty-laden enemy encounters are as prevalent as anything it mimics a la its influential precursors.

  • Never played a single Yakuza title until I grappled with buying this or 0. Stellar experience that's sparked my interest in playing the rest of the series.

  • Regularly made me piss myself or turn it off as a result of my being a complete pussy when it comes to genuine horror. Glad to see the series get back on track and traverse a different path following the mediocre fifth and sixth installments.

  • Really fell off toward the end and the fortress mechanics feel a little too involved when all I was doing was getting sidetracked at regular intervals. Story is also highly banal across all arcs but the gameplay is more than functionally entertaining as was its predecessor's.

  • It's certainly more Destiny.