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Giving gamers a bad name


I'll give you a basic synopsis of this man point. He says that living a quote en quote normal life is pointless. He says that there is no point in going through the effort to building a social life when you can interact with people via a virtual means. While he cites reasons like being able to do things in games that are not possible in games, he's making it seem like a plus that you can both have sex with a hooker and shoot her in the face. This is exactly the type of commentary that gives the impression that all gamers are under-sexed nerds with no social life and a killing complex. 
I would imagine that he feels fairly confident in himself but in reality he's just a scared coward. Yea building up a social relationship with a person takes time but then what doesn't? The rewards of having a real life friend outweighs a virtual friend any day. Sure you can meet friends and socialize on the internet but you can't emulate actually hanging out with a friend. What I'm trying to say is that he is the stereotypical nerd that gives gamers a bad rap. I don't know if there is any point to this video but watching just made me mad inside.