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Endure This! Run! Part 6

Endure This! Run! Part 6: One is the Loneliest Number

Last time, Rush discovered he could slow down time to a crawl, and after slaughtering more monsters around a ruined city he found his sister Irina with a couple of named Bad Guys. Then he decided the best strategy to get her back would involve running into the open and yelling at them despite not having any means to hit them from that far away. Upon returning to the castle, Rush lost an argument with David and decided to go it alone. However...

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Despite this quick change of heart that took all of five seconds, Rush goes it alone anyways. Rush could technically run out into the fields screaming at the nearest enemy by himself, but that is just a surefire way to sign your own death warrant. So head to the guild we mentioned back in Part 1 of this ET!R!, and buy one or both of the mercenaries at the guild now that they are contracting out. I decided to buy McGrady's services, and spent the rest on a shield for Rush because he deserves to treat himself.

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Oh look! A "Mysterious Woman" needs our help! Usually, a character with a speech bubble outlined in red will be important. So we talk to this lovely woman (you have to talk to her anyways, to progress further).

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MW: So, could you deliver the letter for me?

Rush: Maybe this is the chance to prove that I can take care of myself!

MW: Great! He'll be in the Ruins of Robelia Castle! Be careful not to stray too far, dear!

And with that we are automatically whisked away to the entrance of the Robelia Ruins. With some sidequests, the moment you accept them you are immediately teleported to the area until you either complete them or give up and return to the world map.

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Wait...seriously? That's it? The lazy bastard couldn't walk back home himself? There aren't even any monsters to fight between him and the entrance!

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A yama is whining that he shoulda stayed in Athlum. Then he notices our hero with the letter.

"That letter! What? This was handed to you by a lady mitra? I don't know any lady mitra... But thanks! I was exchanging letters with someone very dear to me, but the letters just stopped one day. I wanted to meet them so bad... I should go back to Athlum. Tell the lady mitra I said thanks!"

And with that, we are teleported back to the pub, where Mysterious Woman is there to greet us.

"Welcome back! I'm glad to see you safe and sound. Were you able to deliver the letter? Thank you so much. Here is a little something for your trouble."

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Rush: ...100 gold? That's it?

MW: Oh, I'm sorry, you don't want it?

Rush: *sigh* Just give me the gold, lady.

MW: There are so many people in need of helping hand out there. If you come across these people, please hear them out. Helping those in need will help you, too. You will gain so much from it...

Rush: "Complete sidequests, get loot and/or allies." Got it.

Rush learns about the land from a bartender. Subtle commentary on what a Bachelor's Degree in Geography qualifies you for in the future.
Rush learns about the land from a bartender. Subtle commentary on what a Bachelor's Degree in Geography qualifies you for in the future.
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Rush: ...okay?

Baulson: So, you want to go smash some stuff, no?

Rush: Do I?

Baulson: I'z been hired by some rich bloke, but there's some monsters blockin' the path. What say you and me team up to smash some pests?

Rush: Wildlife slaughter sounds cool! Count me in!

You don't have to complete this quest directly after the easiest letter-delivery quest ever, but by doing it you can get Baulson in your party sooner, so Rush, McGrady and Baulson are off to go smash some bugs and some kidnappers. To the Gaslin Caves we go!

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Rush: Wait a minute...a lost kid? In these caves? This sounds vaguely familiar.

Baulson: Wot you mean?

Rush:, probably nothing. Let's go kill things!

And so the terrible trio go slaughter some wildlife in the caves with relative ease. Seriously, you think David would have put a patrol at the entrance or something to stop the sorts of people who take children into these caves.

Eventually, Rush and Baulson find their lost boy.

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Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me. Our weeping yama (or maybe it's another one, who knows) apparently took a wrong turn to Athlum and ended up with these guys.

The Qsiti bandits are trying to square their usual fear of the Yama people with the fact that they ended up ransoming a giant wuss. Still, a paycheck is a paycheck, and Baulson's come to collect.

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Yeah, they don't have much trouble.

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Baulson: You're twice their size! Stand up and be a man! If this scrawny little Mitra here could fight em, so can you!

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Rush: Okay, thanks! Wanna join up now?

Baulson: Sure, I just need a few quid...

Rush: I thought you said you were my friend!

Baulson: Yeah, and friends help each other out with debts, right?

Here's another thing: whenever a character talks about joining your party at the guild, what that really means is that you can buy their contract at the guild. These guys don't work for free. Luckily, Baulson comes pretty cheap (1500G (360), 2800G (PC)). So visit the same guild where you found McGrady and Oakes to get Baulson. Later some other "named" mercenaries will offer you their services in the same guild, and occasionally you might complete one of their Tasks by accident. So stop by a guild office when you're in a town!

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Now we go to Celapaleis, because where else do we have to go right now? The first time you arrive in the bustling marketplace, you are treated to this scene.

Hey, let's not get racist against robotic teddy bears now!
Hey, let's not get racist against robotic teddy bears now!

Who could that mysterious thing be? We will find that out very soon, but first...

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Huh, you look strangely familiar...

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Warrior Woman: Old lady? Who do you think you're talking to, idiot?

Rush: Oh! My apologies, you just look...familiar.

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Well, that was embarrassing. Who could this Warrior Woman who looks a lot like Emma be? Surely this won't become important later, will it?

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With not much else to do, Rush decides to head to the bar to pick up some dudes...for his quest to find Irina. However, the Qsiti from before decides to offer him a business proposal.

And so we are introduced to the amazing Mr. Diggs and his drill head. Whenever you see a little tiny bluish wisp coming out of a nearby rock or puddle or other drilling point, then you push the A button and Mr. Diggs will drill himself in and out of the point very quick. Sometimes he'll even start praying to the lord for a chance to get multiple items or rare items or both. The more you use Mr. Diggs, the stronger he will get. But Mr. Diggs can only be used a limited amount of times in each dungeon or field. If you hit 0 digs, then the only way to replenish them is to exit to the world map.

Well, that was easy!
Well, that was easy!
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Where did Mr. Diggs come from? Who or what created him? It doesn't matter. For he is now your companion, and like the rest of your army he is kept in a hyperspace pocket until needed. Luckily, the targeting reticle can be focused on digging points in the environment, so don't worry about missing them.

Next Time on Endure This! Run!

  • Rush and David make up!
  • Diplomacy at spear-point.
  • A slightly more challenging boss battle!