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Best of 2011

Let us journey back to the year 20XX.

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  • The sequel to my 2007 game of the year (and 2007 was the last great year for games), the Witcher 2 wasn't everything I hoped it would be. The inventory system screams console, the difficulty of the introductory segment was irritating, and Shani disappears, but the compelling characters and world of the Witcher shone brightly once again. PC games can be pretty, too! Shoutouts to John for gifting me this, proving that he truly values my friendship and knows the way to a man's heart is through his video card, blazing at over 60 degrees Celsius.

  • The roguelike for anyone and everyone. It took me 160 hours to kill Dredmor. I paid $8 total for this game and its expansion. Diggles. Krong. Extremely close to game of the year.

  • I didn't ask for this. Scott gave it to me anyway. The sequel you waited 11 years for, and aside from the horrible boss battles, it was worth waiting for. Like the original, it does a good job of making you feel like you have more freedom than you do. The ending just comes down to pushing one of three buttons, but then the first one didn't exactly have a showstopper finale either.

  • Sometimes the simplest solution is the right one. Reminded me why I love point and click adventure games.

  • Portal was a promising concept, executed well. Portal 2 is that promise fulfilled.

  • Almost anything I could say about this game would be a spoiler. There isn't quite as much to do as there was in Saints Row 2, but the set pieces make up for it.

  • Five letters that I will forever be able to type quickly: QFASA.

  • In this SHMUP you are Sir Walter Raleigh, and you fight the Spanish Armada. And aliens. Amazing soundtrack.

  • The game that made me understand what people see in Minecraft.

  • I haven't actually played this, but I've watched so much of it online I'm giving it the honorary spot here at number ten. BIONIC... ARM!