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Best of 2013

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  • TLoU is one of my favorite games of the entire generation just on its narrative alone. I enjoyed the gameplay more than most people, completing the game on Hard, twice, but still there are to many pacing issues, ladder carrying sections and parts that just draaag on (dragoon). But I loved it all the same and consider it Naughty Dog's finest achievement.

  • All three protagonists were far more interesting than I expected, especially Trevor. Really liked the central story and dicking around has never been more fun. Unceremoniously dumped from the Giant Bomb 2013 awards, GTAV will get its due respect once a PC version hits, while people will cool on the mediocre ACIV. Mark my words!

  • I hate that I have to be defensive about it, and I hate to instantly feel like I'm announcing that I'm in the Tea Party or I like to wear adult diapers or something, but I loved Beyond. What really drew me in was the relationship between Jodie and Aiden, and the feeling of helplessness Jodie has as a little girl. It's terrifying to be tethered to a spectral monster, and as they grow together it becomes something really special.

    While Beyond's non-linear structure makes it hard to get into at first and some of the chapters are straight up cringe-worthy, sections of this game rival any experience I've had this year. I implore anyone who liked Heavy Rain, or hell, even The Walking Dead to try it. The Homeless chapter alone is worth the price of admission, and after beating it, the whole story is really, really well done. Beyond does a lot right and deserves more respect.

  • I didn't like the fact that somehow I got the bad ending, but that was about all I didn't like. Ok, it was a bit "mainstreamed" compared to the brutal 2033, but still, great shooter, great atmosphere, very interesting story.

  • Favorite horror game of 2013, by far. The gameplay after the first couple hours does get slightly predictable (turn two switches/levers/things on opposite sides of the level having to run/hide in between) but the story is interesting and they change things up nicely near the end. It's more manhunt than call of cthulhu, but has elements of both, plus a little condemned. Not great enemy AI. But holy crap the atmosphere. Some really great moments.

  • More XCOM. That they added in instead of adding on and makes the best game of 2012 much more interesting. Didn't expect them to work in a narrative so well and they actually made effort to humanize some of the previously bland NPC's around the base. Feels like XCOM 1.5, which is just fine with me. Time to build some satellites.

  • A micro shooter that is better than most full-length shooters I've played in the last two years. Gunslinger is rad. Great mechanics, good story, well told during gameplay for the most part, seamlessly blending the two in a way more designers should be looking at. Perfect length, no needless multiplayer.

  • It's more Uncharted than I had hoped, and while the open-ness of it is nice, the metroid-vania elements are too light. Yes, you have many many places to go and explore outside the main path once you get the required tools, but they're usually just tiny places and the rewards very minor. Still, a worthy reboot.

  • Surprising, insane, ridiculous, and straight out of someone 80's fever dreams. Loved with all my cybernetic heart.

  • I liked it after all. A well done reboot that probably didn't do to well. Well, Dante probably appreciates it, being a dumb hipster after all. :)