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On music in video games

So, as you all know, Shadow Complex came out recently. It's an amazing game and all but there's something else (and Jeff noticed it too). There isn't really that much music in the game but, when it does happen to play, it fits perfectly. The best example I can think of would be when the water rises in the one part of the complex and when you go underwater, this slow, waltz-like classical piano plays. It's absolutely perfect.

One of the most surreal moments in the game.
One of the most surreal moments in the game.
Other games have gone the route of preferring silence over looping tracks such as the Half-Life series where music is scarce but it really hits when it does play (I think Dead Space as well, but I can't remember). Of course, there have been games with fantastic music that just plays throughout basically the entire experience (e.g.: the Persona series or Mass Effect).
So, my question is this: Do you prefer games that feature looping soundtracks that play throughout the entire game, or games that feature a scarce amount of music but use it to the advantage of evoking some kind of reaction from the player?