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Summer Vacation and Anticipation

School is final-fucking-ly over! God. Well, now that I'm on Summer vacation, I will finally have time to myself. How will I spend that time? Reading. First up:

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The Road by Cormac McCarthy: Cormac McCarthy was the godlike genius behind the masterpiece novel No Country for Old Men and I hope The Road to be his second best. The story revolves around a father and his son as they struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. It's basically Fallout except it's realistic, full of suspense and sad instead of crazy and fun. So far, I love it (except the Oprah's Book Club branding...) and I can't wait to finish it; it's supposed to be a real tear-jerker :). Only 100 pages left.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay: Boiled down to it's basics, this book is about Dexter, a forensic analyst for the Miami-Dade police... and he's also a serial killer. Another serial killer happens to catch his eye and Dexter feels he needs to find him so that he can admire his "art."  The premise should sound interesting enough right off the bat, but if that's not enough, you could watch TV show based off the book. I liked the first season of the Dexter series on TV, so I thought, why not? Of course, I haven't started it yet, so here's hoping it turns out well.

And finally,
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand: I WILL FINISH YOU ONE DAY!!!  I SWEAR IT! I've started this book 3 times, and I just don't have the will to finish it. This picture sums it up completely:
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I mean, what I've read is great and all, but I've never passed page 700. I've never had the time to read this, but now, I'm making time. I will finish this book before Summer's end. I WILL!

I've got copies of World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide coming my way. Both are really great and I think if you haven't read them, you're retarded. There, I said it.

Second order of business, Prototype. I seriously cannot wait for this game. If I were offered this game today on the condition that I would have to kill someone, I wouldn't do it. But I would do something else, like watch S. Darko or play Leisure Suit Larry or something. Just watch this video and maybe you will understand....

Just when you think it can't get any cooler... it gets cooler.