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about all of the IW staff leaving...

So if you haven't heard yet, all of the lead designers/programmers/artists for IW have left the company. Don't know where they're going, but I'd guess Respawn Entertainment, the new company founded by West and Zampella, the former IW heads who left the company. Now, we still don't know which lawsuit is telling the truth, but in this news seems to be pretty telling: why else would all of the design heads leave if they weren't pissed at IW? Of course, they could all just want to work at Respawn, but it seems like either Activision really was being assholes. Even if they didn't do what West/Zampella claimed they did, the fact that they're leaving must at least mean they haven't been nice overlords for the past 3 years if all of the staff are inclined to believe west/zampella's side of the story. 
Now all that's left to do is see if they all join respawn. that might explain it, but I doubt it.