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Good Day GB.

Hello Everyone,

After the many years of enjoying the content on Giant Bomb, I felt I was obligated to finally give something back for their hard work and commitment to ridiculous excellence. I have always loved playing and conversing about video games throughout my life, and I hope this already awesome community will contribute their individual perspectives for the medium, and make it a more enjoyable experience for not only myself, but for those who are new to gaming as a whole.

I am an avid appreciator for nature and have always found the tranquil experiences of simply being present when walking through any park, forest reserve, or even a simple garden. This fascination and enjoyment from nature was one I have always loved ever since I was a child, and I continue to make time out of my busy life to still reconnect to these experiences, and feeling of true peacefulness. I am an overly peaceful individual and will not rage, or get angry over things like video games. Even with avenues that give opportunities for individuals to blindly rage over certain issues beyond the gaming industry, not only is this childish, but it represents a negative image for our community as a whole. I hope that those who do it would take a couple steps back and see how they carry themselves and learn from their actions even in a space of anonymousness.

I look forward to being apart of the Giant bomb community, posting and writing about upcoming games i am most excited for and interacting with other users about their experiences. Thank you all for your time, and i hope you have a great day.

"Warts in all, Embrace the community"