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Hey I wrote a review for an old game! Video review maybe someday?

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Nightmare Revisited (Part 2)

Town Meeting Song - The Polyphonic Spree

This song is so great in the movie, probably my favorite. It's really up there with the best I think. BUT this remake just makes it no justice at all. It's barely got any music in it at all. It's god awful. Don't like it. It's gone from my ipod. 0/5

Jack and Sally Montage - Vitamin String Quartet

Don't remember if this is in the soundtrack but all the different tunes used in this montage are from the movie. It's really good musicaly but a little too long. 4/5

Jack's Obsession - Sparklehorse

This one is really awesome in the movie, it's just so cool. It's like a rollar coaster. This version is terrible, it's got the lyrics but damn, what the hell is up with the music? The poor thing sounds like a lulaby. Be careful with this one while driving. The voice is like an annoying wisper. I don't like it. 1/5

Kidnap The Sandy Claws - Korn

Now I know I had said that I don't think this movie goes along with a hardcore approach. But this song is just so good and sounds so much like the original. Another thing is that it's Oogie Boogie's henchmen singing so they needed something like this to really capture the fact that these kids mean business. 5/5

Making Christmas - Rise Against

Once again I think I'm gonna contradict myself. But screw it. I love this one, it's a punk rock approach to this song. The fast paced feeling of this really gives you the picture of what was going on in halloween town: They were beating the crap out of christmas. Very chaotic and good music. 5/5

Nabbed - Yoshida Brothers

Sounds more like a kidnap the sandy claws remix. Has that japanese wind instrument that is every samurai show. Very relaxing without putting you to sleep. It's ok not bad. 3/5

Oogie Boogie's Song - Rodrigo y Gabriela

Acoustic guitars gallore. Sadly missing the words so thats a big negative. Still is very well made and fast paced. 3/5

Sally's Song - Amy Lee

The first soundtrack had a remake of this song and was a very simple upgrade to the original. This one takes things further and gives it more music while keeping the depressing nature of this song. A litte short but thats because I just love it. 5/5

Christmas Eve Montage - RJD2

This one is ok. It's Jet Set Radio meets TNBC. But from the middle to the end it kinda bores me I don't know why. 2/5

Poor Jack - Plain White T's

Now this one sounds almost just like the original. I guess thats the only downside to this one. I rather just listen to the original in that case. 3/5

To The Rescue - Datarock

Freezepop meets TNBC. I really like this one. You can barely get to hear this one in the movie but it is one of the best. 5/5

Final/Reprise - Shiny Toy Guns

It's ok. Don't got much to say about this one. Starts kinda annoying and then it's a robot singing a love song. 3/5

Closing - Danny Elfman

Just in case you want to know what happens after the movie. Sandy Claws tells you all about it. 3/5

End Title - The Album Leaf

Another montage of the tunes of the movie but with updated music. It's cool. 4/5

So that's it, forgive the simplicity of my posts but I do this just for the heck of it. This album is a must for fans of the movie and it's not that much money for it. Just some songs are not if my liking but who knows, you might and thats cool.