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Top 10 Favorite League of Legends Champions

There is not enough League love here in Giant Bomb. Brad's love for DOTA 2 has made any kind of MOBA interest here on the site shift towards it and thats fine. For me though it's all about League.

I'm no pro and this list is not some kind of guide on what champions are the best competitively. These are just my personal favorites. Hell a lot of these don't get used all that much.

List items

  • One of the first champions I ever used way back in PAX 10 when I first played the game. Janna is a very good support character that shields you allies from damage and gives attack damage. Her kit also allows you to disengage from fights or to hunt down enemies. I haven't used her in a while but thats only because I used her way too much. Still my go to support when I want to get serious.

  • Once my most hated carry is now my favorite ranged character. It was my fault since I wasn't using him right. Most ranged champions just auto-attack all day long and thats their way. Lucian depends on his abilities a lot more for his damage output. He has good mobility and has a badass ultimate that keeps firing a bunch of shots in a straight line.

  • Easy my favorite Top, even though his combo is extremely simple it gets the job done. This guy is all about his spear and stun combo. Also his ult is to jump very far making ganks fun and most of the time easy.

  • My favorite mage character in the game. He just burns everything and his ultimate pretty much wins all teamfights even if you somehow die. His combo can stun and AoE enemies real good and it's fun to pull off. He's not very common so that gives me a slight edge over all the other overused mids. The downside is Champions like Katarina or Talon that dash towards you. But if you are careful and poke hard they can be beaten.

  • Support used to be my thing and when Sona came out I was all over this champion. Damages enemies hard with pokes, heals and now shields, gives movement speed and her ultimate is a giant skillshot that stuns everyone in a zone in front of her. Her weakness is that she has no escape. When you get caught pray to Riot you got your ultimate or Flash because you will die.

  • Not the best jungler (specially now with patch 5.4 though we got 5.5 I have yet to test it out) but the most fun I've had jungling. When you start getting some kills this guy just shreds through your enemies. The way he jumps all around when in bushes also makes for some very fun fights. Also his Ultimate makes him invisible for a short time and that makes ganks so much fun.

  • When I first saw her I thought Bayonetta. Her moves are kind of like her but shes more dead serious. Anyway shes a very good ranged character that hits REALLY hard. Normally you want to focus on weak characters and kill them first and then the tanks. Not with Vayne. She hits so hard she can obliterate just about any champion even the heavy armored ones thanks to her W. The catch? Well if she gets stunned or slowed shes kinda screwed. Her passive is also lots of fun, she gains movement speed when chasing enemies close to her so no one escapes her.

  • A very risky champion but late game he is just unstoppable. It's so empowering to auto-attack fools with him and seeing him almost 1-shotting them. He also has some tricks that make him more than just an auto-attack junky. His ultimate makes him invincible for a short time and can dash for some added movement boost.

  • One of the most versatile champions ever. I've used this guy for just about any role except ADC of course. Top, Jungle, Mid and Support. He can slow down and snare dudes and he tosses these grenade like saplings that serve as wards and explode when they hit enemies.

  • Another awesome jungle. His Q and W are a bit on the boring side but gets the job done. What makes him fun is ganking with his E and his awesome initiation with his ultimate. He pretty much just jumps in and fears any enemy in a given area and you start sustaining your way to victory if your team joins you of course.