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Has it really been 10 years already? Jesus.

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1200 Microsoft points

I don't know when this started to become the trend but fuck you guys the economy is all screwed up and I am being cheap... Some games I will admit are worth the extra $5.00 but really I would prefer the games to stay at $10.00. I mean look at it this way. If games are at $14.99 then they are only $5.00 short of being of being the same price as full platinum games which has far more content. I know that's because the game had already sold a million but still that extra $5.00 can detour people from buying it and they are losing more money that way. If you think I am crazy and being cheap you may be right but look at it this way for every two games you buy at 1200 points you are missing out on a 800 point game and nobody likes having games taken away from them. 
If I have your attention I would like to point out that the two guys from "Sent you a message" the show they post on the Xbox Live dashboard aren't bad dude but are you serious with both of them having the same exact stupid hair cut? I am just being cranky today I need to go play some more Red Dead. 


Bloody Whores O_o

   I have been playing Red Dead for quite some time now and I have loved every moment of it. I plan to write a review soon about it just for the exp on the site not because I feel that my opinion on the game matters however I did want to blog a few things about the game that I would leave out of the review. I love how the game has a few glitches but nothing that has hindered my game play.
   The first example I have of this is when I was playing last night and if I could get my webcam to take "Pictures" I would post a photo of this event. I was running buy when a bad guy decided to take one of the whore and stab her repeatedly. I did not have my weapon equipped so by the time I got it out and fired my first bullet she had died and the event was over however since my bullet was in the air it still counted so she popped up off the ground with her dress soaked in blood thanking me for my assistance. It was a funny sight. 
  I also like how that in the game when you save someone from being robbed but you kill the guy everyone starts to panic and run away including the person who just thanked you for saving their life. "Thank you mister you are truly a hero of Mexico!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" *Runs away*. My roommate stated that he has encountered carriages that would be stuck until he turned off his box. Mine however have been much much stranger then that such as a horse randomly catching on fire. My horse dying in the middle of town while I am sitting on top of that. I guess John needs to lay off the meat I might of snapped the horses back.   The last strange thing that happened was last night while playing multiplayer horses began to fall from the sky. 
  I guess another thing that I want to touch on is the free roaming multiplayer. I am a person who has spent the last five years playing World of Warcraft and I am a heavy player versus player. I don't care what is going on but a person could just be sitting there minding their own and I would attack. It's in my blood to fight. Red dead has been the same for me. I can't just ride buy and let some dude wander around. I have to kill them. Is it wrong? Yes.... am I big a douche for doing it.. yes. Last night there was a group of people doing a hideout and I ran out of my way to get to the top of the canyon and throw down dynamite at them killing them over and over.  It's not worth the experience to do that but it was damn fun. I was even rewarded exp when they finished the hideout because the computer thinks I was helping them. I did laugh though because you can hear what they are saying if they are close. One of the people in the posse said over the mic "Just run past the fag." As he did so on his horse I was prepping a dynamite to try and blast him and his group one last time as his horse going full speed knocked me over and my body fell a 100 feet to my death.  Despite my death it was very funny. So random guy, I take my hat off to you.
  I did find it weird though because I have never had this happen to me. One of the guys after the fact sent me a message. I was expecting it to be a big "Hey man fuck you" but it was a request to join their clan. I did not think that people on live really had "clans". I didn't notice at the but all the people I was killing had a tag in front of their names. Coming from World of Warcraft and co running a guild with my roommates I am kind of intrigued. It might actually be a good thing so you know you have friends for games like that. I used to cap out my live account with random people but I have cut the fat if you will. The problem with that is I do find myself a bit short on people to play with. So if you read this and you have live go ahead and add me for Red Dead - Eight Bit Shik - I dinged level 20 last night and could use some help getting the next 30 levels. 
I'm out EBS.


41,000 Gamer Score

I said that I would talk about my Gamer Score once I hit 50,000 but since this is my blog and nobody but myself reads it I am going to break my word. The games I have been playing lately have been Snoopy Fly Ace, Risk: Factions, Lost Planet 2 and more Saints Row 2.  Out of the four games I have enjoyed playing three of them. The only one of the group that has been a pain is LP2. The game itself was not that bad. My roommate and I have enjoyed the action part of the game and even the boss battles are amazing. Not in the fun factor but for the sheer size of the bosses and how beautiful it looks. Lost Planet 2 is riffled with horrible problems such as making you play through it 14.4 times to complete one of the achievements, the difficulty of the game at times and the fact that the Japanese love to add shit to their games for one level and not explain what you are suppose to do. You have no idea how long it took for my roommate and I to get on the Sand Ship because we did not know you were suppose to hold down RB to hover in the air. 
Once again I find myself angry with the fact that I have to pay so many medical bills and not able to buy any new games. I want to play Crack Down 2 and Red Dead but with only a two games out at a time subscription from Game Fly I do not think I would get either game if I sent in my current games. We are keeping Lost Planet 2 for now and probably going to play through it again on easy then move on to normal so we can attempt to grab a few of the achievements at least and not worry about the rest. I really wanted to S  - Rank  Dante's inferno but after missing two different items and screwing myself out of two achievements on my second play through I just can't gather enough energy to try and do it a third time.  So I plan to send that back today and leave my queue empty so I can try and get Crackdown 2. After playing the demo I'm not sure if it's a game I would actually enjoy considering I didn't enjoy the first one that much but the game does have 4 player co op and I am willing to play a sub par game just for that.
I enjoyed all the E3 coverage and there are plenty of game that I am looking forward to. My roommate and I will disagree about the major companies not announcing a new system being a good thing or a bad thing. I personally am glad because I still want some time with my current system and see what games can come out. Hell I never did buy a PS3.  We have one in the house but it just collects dust. One game that they did not announce but I hope they are working on is Saints Row 3. I really enjoyed the second one and though I have not spent more then ten minutes on the first one I would be excited about a new one with co - op. SR2 was great.  I truly enjoyed all the features the game had to offer though at times it didn't seem like it when we were screaming and cussing at all the level six activities.  I personally have logged 70 hours on that game and that is impressive for a game that is not a multiplayer death match type game or World of Warcraft. 
Looking forward to getting home and playing some more Risk. I will be spending the better half of the week trying to S-Rank the game and to work on my strategy. My girlfriend played it for the first time and beat me. In my defense the computer beat me and I helped her win the rest of the match with some sound advise haha but none the less I had a good time playing it with her.


What I am not a fan of.

I love playing video games you can tell by the amount of games I have played and achievements I have but what I am not a fan of is a game forcing you to play through some bullshit many times. I loved Resident Evil 5 you can argue it wasn't better then other RE games and I would agree but I really enjoyed playing through it. What I did not like was being forced to beat it several times which at one points my roommate and I just stopped playing. Capcom seems to be notorious for this because here are playing LP2 and are expected to do it again. I know we don't have to play through it but I really like to aim for 100%. I am sending it back in the mail after we finish it once. Capcom, I would like to play other games quit trying to waste my time or if you do make a better game then LP2. 
EBS out and angry


40,000 Xbox Achievement points.

I got my Xbox 360 back in January of 2007. I had wanted to get one of the new systems but at the time with my wife going to school full time I wasn't really able to throw away the money on a new system. It was sad too because videogames have always been a big part of my life. I don't exactly remember how I was able to convince her to allow me to buy the 360 but what sold me on the system itself was listening to a podcast on Gamespot where Jeff was talking about the achievements. I was sold from that moment. Though World of Warcraft has sucked up much of my time in the past 5 years I have to say that hitting 40,000 on my 360 after three years is pretty good. I do have some bad boost games in there but hey you gotta play the bad games too because who knows I might of actually enjoyed those games. My own personal goal is to hit 50k by the end of this year. With plenty of Co op games out there and the support of my roommate I am sure I will hit that goal in no time.   
Love EBS 


A row of Saints.

 I spent a good portion of the weekend with my roommate playing Saints Row 2 after a friend of ours recommended playing the game mainly because of the Co-op. If you had asked me a few weeks ago if I was going to play that game I would of laughed. They have the saying don't judge a book by the cover but I thought it was safe to judge a game. I have never been interested in the game because the idea of it just sounds like something I would not enjoy such as the pimping of your cribs and cars. In about a 24 hours span we have had played about 10 hours of game play and had an amazing time.  The game plays exactly like Grand Theft Auto but a little bit more exaggerated and a bit crazy at times but fun. When we took our breaks to hang outside and talk about the game we had several "OMG, did you see that!" moments. One of my favorite experiences so far was a mission where we had to take out  a group of motorcycles. We both started off on bikes as well but after the first twenty seconds I crashed going about hundred into a pole I was not able to recover my bike quickly so I stole the closest car to me and began to try and catch up with the herd. Pete my roommate was in hot pursuit shooting at them from his bike but was having a hard time dropping the enemies. I understand his pain trying to control your bike and going a hundred while shooting is a hard feat. I sped down the road watching the radar trying to find their position and what I could tell was that I was on another street parallel to them. I was speeding a long trying to find a good street that I could turn on so that I could help with shooting the bikers. Then the greatest thing ever happened! Straight out of an action movie they turned on a cross street and the timing couldn’t of been better still driving at about a 100 miles an hour I slammed on my breaks and drifted into two of the bikers killing them instantly as one two of the remaining bikers and Pete barely miss me. After screaming I recovered and helped Pete finish off the two remaining Ronin. I really wish this game had replays because I would have watched that over and over again. Another great moment was one of the mayhem levels where the goal is to causes as much property damage as you possibly can in a given amount of time. We had retried a level about ten times and just couldn’t finish due to a helicopter shooting us in the face with a rocket. With Pete driving and I throwing out explosives we finally were able to crash, jump and out maneuver the cops and rack up enough damage to complete the objective. It was pretty funny because after the sure havoc our car went though during the course of the mission it wasn’t till 5 seconds after we completed the mission did Pete barely tap a tree with the bumper that our car decided it couldn’t handle it anymore and caught on fire and exploded.

  I love playing co op and I am glad our friend recommended it to us. If anyone knows of any other co op games please let me know.


Lending a hand to Giant Bomb

 I love Giant Bomb and I have been here since launch but I feel like I don't contribute or pull my weight. In fact most of my forum posts are selfish and require the help from other Giant Bomb users. I have done a few things on the site as far as the Wiki is concerned but my version of Chrome and FireFox does not allow me for some reason to make certain edits and I believe that other users are able to obtain the needed information in a more professional manner than I can so I will leave it to them. I was thinking however that one of my favorite things to do on the site is look at the achievements to see what I need to do to unlock them and which ones are hard. I love how it tracks the rarity of them. I am a huge fan of stats for some reason. I also find it helpful when the community posts on the achievement there advice or explain what you have to do exactly. It's great so you don't have to post on the forum the question or look on another site for help. Today I noticed that there are millions of achievements on the site without information on it. So from now on when I unlock an achievement or am familar of what needs to be done I am going to post a sentence or two even if it's trival.  I hope that it's helpful I for one would like it. 


Ugh! I forgot to save IRL.

  There is nothing worse then playing a game for a few hours and making progress and having a good old time. When out of nowhere something happens, you fall down a cliff, you don't pop a health potion, you run out of ammo and just get raped by a mob. Then it clicks you remember that you had not saved in awhile and you get this horrible feeling in your stomach and you mutter "Shit, I have to do that all over again" but then something inside of you says "You know what that's not so bad, I know what to do and I'll be better equipped this time. I'll buy that bonus armor suit this time and buy extra potions. 
  I wish it was like that IRL. About a year ago I started having pain in my left leg. I started walking around like "House" minus the cane. At times I would just have to sit because I could not handle standing up.  I always had pain in my back but it was never too extreme and I always thought it was from playing to many games sitting around. I am not over weight  just have poor posture.  When it started affecting my leg that is when I got worried and looked to do something about it.  I went to a chiropractor 3 times a week for about 3 months but it was only made me feel better for little over an hour. I did acupuncture a few times but it didn't help but I really enjoyed it. The next thing I tried was a DR and I explained what was happening. They did an MRI and found that my disc is basically sticking into my nerve which travels down my leg. The DR then told me there is nothing he could do and sent me to a spine DR. That Dr then sent me to Physical Therapy for 3 times a week for 6 weeks. That didn't work either so I was sent to another place to have shots done to bring down the inflamation. The first shot worked for a week and then I was in more pain then ever. The next two shots did not help. So here I am now. I see the DR on the 27th to talk surgery. 
  My company this year decided that they were not going to pay for Short Term disability anymore which put me in a hard place. I would have to start paying for it. It wouldn't of been that big of a deal cept I have been living pay check to pay check for the past year or so trying to clear out my debts. I would of started paying for it too had that first shot not worked and I felt like a million dollars. A week later when I was in pain again I was like wow that was the stupidest thing I could of done was to not get on that. So I'll be on FMLA which means my job will be protected while I'm out but I won't get paid.
The amount of money I have spent so far on everything I said above is alot even with insurance. Example my MRI out of pocket was $800... Wtf I could get all Next Gen consoles for that the amount of money we have to pay for medical bills  in America is out of control.  So I am going to miss six weeks of work without pay and god knows how much the surgery is going to cost me.  I wish I could reload my save file from a year ago to save myself all the money I spent on the stuff that didn't work. 
As much as I hate how I never get the new games in Gamefly I have to admit being as broke as I have been lately it's been greating playing these games and not breaking the bank. 


Why do you got to bring up old shit? 05-17-10

  Last week was filled with great gaming sessions.  One of the great benefits of being in so much pain is I have an excuse not to go out and do stuff and it has given me the time I want to relax in my chair and play games. My only complain is I wish I had a better gaming chair. I have an amazing recliner but it is in the living room and I prefer to play games in my room and the chair would not fit in my room.
  I spent a huge portion of my week was playing Super Street Fighter 4. I have had such a great time with this game that I even posted a review on it something I tend to stay away from. I am not the best would it comes to grammar or writing anything worth a damn but I felt the game was in need of my review. I think I will continue to do that for games who cares if nobody reads it. I think this site is a good avenue for me to grow as a person and as a gamer and I should take advantage of all the different kind of features. Who knows maybe I can look back later on this and learn from it. I unlocked a few achievements, one I did not think I would actually get due to my past 250 matches I had. I unlocked win 10 ranked matches in a row. It's not that I am "Bad" at the game it's just one of my goals in the game was to get the achievement where you rank up all the characters online to rank C. I have started off with the characters that I had a good feel for from past fighting games but still the most I could do was get five wins in a row and even then I felt it was just a string of bad players. I picked Cammy who in the past games I just felt crippled, I never understood her moves and I would watch people tear face with her but when I used her it was laughable.  Well something unlocked in me when I chose her. My first match was a loss but I understood the play style and felt comfortable enough with her that I figured I'd be about a 40% win with her just like the other 4 characters I have used thus far. To my surprise that is when I won 11 matches in a row. I was so stoked; I ran into my roommates rooms and gave them a high five. I was about 24 matches away from the 300 played mark so I decided that I would sacrifice sleep and get it. Around 1:00 AM I finished my last match. I believe I was around an 87% win rate at that time and was very proud. I believe I found my "main" character and would like to keep playing with her some more. There is a lot I still need to work on with her such as her spinning ass move which I can not seem to pull off and I would like to learn less predictable combos. 
  I spent a lot of time playing Dante's Inferno. My roommate played the demo and really wanted to play it and since he does not have Game Fly I decided to be a good friend and rent it for him but then I have hogged it since it’s come in. When he first told me he wanted to play it I thought it was a bad idea based on all the reviews I have seen for it.  Our beloved Giantbomb gave it 2 out of 5 and I know you should not base your opinion on what reviewers say but I tend to agree with them so I was a little worried about it. After spending 3 days playing the game I really enjoyed it. I know it's a complete rip off of God of War and could not come anywhere near that quality that game provides but I honestly enjoyed every moment of the game. I don't know if it's age or what but the sheer amount of "shock" value in the game does not appeal to me like it would of years ago. The nudity in the game and the babies who were not baptized actually got close to making me say "Wow I don't want to play this game." This is weird because stuff like that did not use to bother me. Despite that I was interested in the "story" though there wasn't much to it and I liked the different themes throughout the game. A few problems I had was the game was very repetitive at times as far as game play and enemies.  I was able to get 80% of the achievements in one play through and before I ship it back I plan on going through the game one more time with a guide to find the hidden items.  I am not a fan of the way EA uses their DLC. I like new levels as long as I feel the game didn't fall short of the content released in the original package. I laughed when I saw that you could buy "souls" basically experience in the game. After giving it some thought though I don't blame them. I don't have to buy it if I don't like it but there are people out there who waste their money on stupid things all the time so why shouldn't EA take advantage of these people. 
  After finishing DI I was convinced by my roommate to try and play Call of Juarez 2: Bound in Blood. I don't even want to talk about this game until I finish but that is if i don't break it first. The game is terrible so far and it's a shame too because it seems like the only thing that really ruins the game is the controls everything else about it hasn't been that bad. I'll talk more about it once I play more. I have only played for about an hour but I died like 50 times. My roommate said maybe I am just bad... I'm not the Wiz or anything but I'd be he is younger brother at least so I don't think it's me. 
  I hope I have the same amount of game time this week with the release of Red Dead Redemption! It's been a while since I have been excited about a game on launch or at least a game I am picking up on launch. I have been Game Flying for a while now and with my back surgery coming up the game buying has slow down to a crawl. Luckily, my roommate is picking up the tab on this one. 



I was looking at the Super Street Fighter 4 achievements today and I read that the easiest way to obtain said achievement was to trade off wins. Boosting, I have to hold back and not try and change peoples minds based on my own opinion but I just don't understand it. I love achievements I understand they do nothing for you but it's something I have enjoyed since day one. It's a sense of accomplishment for me. I don't strive for 1k out of 1k like some people but I do enjoy looking at hard earned achievements and knowing that I was able to do it. It makes me sick when I see people boosting because I don't understand the point? You did nothing other then sit there and get points. Boosters always have the stupidest arguments too " I have a life and don't want to waste it doing it legit" Are you kidding me? That sentence alone contradicts what you just said....Your life involves cheating on something that is meaningless? "It's too hard.." That's the point you get the points because you did something that was hard. I may not have the most points and I don't care because they are legit. It shows what I did as a gamer. My roommate has Sranked 90% of the games that he played but has half the amount points I have and I am more impressed with his because I'm flooded with easy achievements. He does that hard ones and I don't want to waste my time trying to get some of them but I am not going to take the easy way out and boost them I have accepted that I won't get them and I won't lie to the rest of world and make them think I did.
Long story short if you boost you suck.