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Fate / Ghost Aversion

I bought Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective for my shiny new iPod Touch a while ago, and in ten days of near-daily play I finished its wonderful story. There's no play time counter that I can find on the iPod Touch so I estimate it took me at least 12-14 hours to complete the story. I went from one puzzle game to another with Portal 2 and Ghost Trick, but I did not tire of the all the puzzles. That's because Ghost Trick has a wacky and humorous tale and mesmerizing animation. The puzzles in Ghost Trick can be quite tricky even though there is only one correct sequence of tricks to solve the puzzle. This can lead to situations of trial-and-error, but frustration hardly sets as the game provides many clues to find the correct sequence.

Ghost Trick is a great game that I'm glad to have the chance to play. I missed out on it on the DS so I'm happy that it has come to the iOS. Now, on to Infinity Blade 2.