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Time to mix drinks and change lives.

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Maximum Muppet

After a comparatively brisk 7.8 hours, I finish the campaign of Crysis: Warhead, the follow-up to Crysis. The 2008 game still looks quite good even in 2011, and the new weapons and tools are fun to mess around with. The most disappointing thing about the campaign is that the levels the missions take place in are much less open. The one that sticks out the most is a level that takes place entirely on a train and railroad but even the design of the first few levels funnel you towards a single path. One of the unique things about Crysis are its wide open levels that let you approach them however you want (I mostly use the Nanosuit's cloak). It's a bit of a shame that Crysis: Warhead boxes the player in more often than the first Crysis.

With Crysis: Warhead complete, I hope to soon try out the Mechwarrior: Living Legends modifcation for Crysis Wars.