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Time to mix drinks and change lives.

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The Baby, The Baby, The Baby.

I finally managed to connect my Wii to the internet on Monday and splurged $30 on to the Wii Shop channel to get River City Ransom (NES), Sin & Punishment (N64), and Tetris Party (WiiWare). So far, I'm happy with all of them. The controls in Sin & Punishment take some getting used to. I hope to get Sin & Punishment: Star Successor as the pointer control will be much better for shooting.

The big thing for me was the arrival of my copy of Metroid: Other M on Tuesday. Having enjoyed all of Fusion, I was curious to what Yoshio Sakamoto does for a follow up. Thus far it is a lot of familiar ground except now with a lot of pre-rendered cinematics and voice acting. Despite some vocal outcry, I'm really digging the presentation. The controls are a technical feat to get the most mileage out of a single Wii Remote. It doesn't quite make for the best controlling game, but it's still good fun. I'm only 3 hours in and I'm eager to see what's next.