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The Human Revolution

Clocking in at 38.2 hours, I finished Adam Jensen's story in Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the PC. I received the game as a Christmas gift in 2011 and it has proven to be a lovely gift. Playing as an augmented company agent with a police history in a cyberpunk world reminded me of the lovely Blade Runner movie and Ghost in the Shell series. I tried to have no fatalities in my story, but that changed when a tense and dramatic event in the back half of the game demanded decisive and lethal firepower. I kept to the shadows as best as I could which made the majority of the game a sneaking mission.

The times where stealth wasn't an option was in the game's annoying boss fights. While the firearms mechanics are competant, they aren't at a quality to make a one-versus-one boss fight entertaining. Another disappointment with the game is the lackluster ending. I grew attached to Adam and the company he keeps, and would've liked a little epilogue for all of them.