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Co-op grumbles

Three games in a row and GODDAMN no online support for co-op. is it really that hard to pull off? Arkadian warriors could do it, so could Splosion man, so can near enough any game on the 360! If their entire method of delivery is online, why are there no online features in Lara Croft: Guardian of Light, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World and Shank?
I can understand that net code is hard, something I can't do, but it isn't my job. The ability to find someone willing to sit down next to me on my couch becomes progressively harder as time whittles on, so why make it harder for me to enjoy these games fully?
I'll append this with the concession that co-op is is coming to LC:GoL, but nigh on a month later is a bit much, no?
This guy shares my pain
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