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@amingo said:

Go for the 3DS. With that and your DS, you essentially have access to all the Pokemon games from GBA to the 3DS (god damn that's a lot of Pokemon games). There's also a good number of Zelda games between those platforms as well.

My GBA slot is wearing down actually. I'm not sure it works 100 % properly or anywhere near. Do you think it's worth looking into getting a used GBA on eBay? But I have to mention I do find it hard getting past the Elite 4 hard on Pokemon Heartgold, and that's the only Pokemon game I've ever played, so maybe you'd discourage getting older-gen Pokemon games? I'm not the biggest fan of grinding, but I'm sure no gamer is.

Also thank you for your response.

@sethmode said:

Hmmm...the 3DS is an amazing handheld but I think if you have the money, go for the Switch or Switch lite. That is the one that will continue to be supported and there are already so many smaller awesome games on it.

But, having said that, you can't go wrong with the 3DS either so sorry, I guess I'm not much help here.

It's okay man, I understand your train of thought. Thank you for your input.

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#2  Edited By ExVeganPorpoise

Hello GiantBomb Community,

I wanted to ask which Nintendo console is best for me if I like Pokemon, Zelda, and possibly Luigi's Mansion?

Should I get a New 3DS this Black Friday, get the Nintendo Switch or keep my working but used Nintendo DS and play the Pokemon games and Zelda Phantom Hourglass on there for now?

Some Background Information:

  • I'm an inside person so I don't travel a whole lot...
  • I live with other family members who also use the internet sometimes, but they aren't gamers

If you guys need some more background info I can provide you guys that.

Thank you,


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This isn't so much what I'm reading, but both David Wong and Emily St. John Mandel are coming out with new books this year, and that makes me pretty darned happy.

That's nice, to have something to look forward to.

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The pandemic hasn't affected me a lot per say.

Pros: I get more free time. I have more time to go outside, cept I don't really spend my time doing that. No one's got time fo that!


1. I'm not making any money

2. I'm omitting the other con because I'm not particularly comfortable sharing it, but that's about it.

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@cikame said:

I voted other, because almost anything would be better than those games listed.

Well then..! Okay. :) I understand though.

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@a_z: If you found Stardew Valley to be too slow, maybe Subnautica will have the same problem.

It's perfectly fine to start with Hitman 2 and MGS 5 without having played the previous games.

I have a similar question to what I asked Vole, are the previous games in the series interesting enough to play?

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@nutter said:

The Last of Us is a must play.

I'll keep that in mind, with a grain of sugar. JK. :p I'm just getting some bland reviews on IGN on the game, but nothing wrong with liking it, I liked the first "part" of it on PSNow, definitely not a bad game.

Uncharted games are quite easy on the easy difficulty, and their puzzles are usually very simple, with the game giving you all the in-game hints and clues it can without actually spelling out the solutions, so I'd encourage you to not be intimidated by them. Having said that, I'd probably skip the first one of the PS3 trilogy, as I don't think it's very good, not anymore anyway.

How about RPGs? Do you have access to the Mass Effect trilogy? Again, you can play them on easy to experience the story. The 3rd one even has a "story mode" difficulty, if you find the combat to be too hard (although that seems to contradict your motivation to brag about finishing a game), and you'll most certainly have a LOT to think and talk about after, including material and inspiration for fanfiction. Just, whatever you do, stay away from Andromeda. You'd be better off writing some fanfiction of your own and playing it in your head instead of playing this game :P

What I said about the Mass Effect series goes doubly for the Witcher series. These are also quite self-contained stories, so you don't need to start from the first one. It would add to the flavour and your immersion, but you don't really need to know what's happened in the previous games to play either 2 or 3.

Alright I'll check out Uncharted.

I only have a Ps4 and laptop, so I'll check out Mass Effect, hopefully I don't have to get a last gen console to play it. And I'll be sure to stay away from Andromeda.

To be clear, I'm not good at writing fanfiction, but I'd still like to discuss alt. universes with fans, friends and online people who have played or are playing the game. But thanks, your advice is amazing!

Does Witcher 1 suck like Uncharted 1, and is it boring to play (Witcher 1) compared to the other games in its series?

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Your motivations to play seem a bit confusing to me, more confusing even than your selections for the poll, so it's harder even to make a recommendation. I did vote for The Last of Us, because I would vote for it in such a poll almost always no matter the competition, as I absolutely love it and is one of my all time favourite games, but I have no idea whether this was a good vote for you or not.

What games have you played and liked? If action-adventure games are cool, then the Uncharted series may be a better choice that The Last of Us. No jump scares there and a lot of story in them, too.

What does "games that smart people play in their free time" mean? I'm pretty sure I'm making assumptions here, but Minecraft Story Mode wouldn't be the first game to come to mind with that description. Or maybe it would be! Because smart people may play whatever in their free time. As far as I'm aware, video game preferences are not associated with intelligence (unless we're talking learning disabilities here, in which case there may be, but probably more to do with ability above all. But I digress).

If what you mean is games that require you to think and solve mental challenges and problems instead of relying on your reflexes and dexterity, maybe try Braid? The Witness? Portal 1 &/or 2? Or check out Catherine, just to suggest something a bit more out there!

My motivations for gaming is to play a game that I can finish, enjoy, brag about (that I finished it) and possibly ruminate about in the future and write the story on my own, like a fanfiction, or alternate reality, etc. or discuss that sort of timeline with other people on the internet.

And for the puzzle games you recommended I'll probably pass, but I'll look up the gameplay on them. Why I added Minecraft storymode is because it had Minecraft lore in it, which sort of interests like the creepers and spiders or whatever that come out at night.

I'll look into Uncharted, but it looks a little hard, but nothing I can't look up online from walkthroughs if I can't figure out the puzzles thrown at me on my own. But Last of Us might do the trick in capturing my interest, I do like me some zombie apocalypses.

And thank you for your response.

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PC, if you haven't played:

Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Factorio, Spelunky, MGS 5, Hitman 2.

If you only have a PS4, The Last of Us would not be a bad choice I guess.

Minecraft Story mode though, avoid that.

This might sound dumb, but I played Stardew Valley on Ps4, and it wasn't fast paced enough to keep my interest.

MGS 5, and Hitman 2 seem to require that I play the prequels. I'll check the other two games out though. Thank you for your post.

I voted Last of Us because I don’t know what you like and can’t think of anything to suggest. All I know for sure is that Minecraft Story Mode is very bland so keep away from that.

Hmmm... I don't want a horror game with things constantly jumping out at me, tbqh my doc doesn't recommend that sort of stuff for me.

Any action-adventure game is cool, even 2D is cool. FPS is great, but I want to play video games that "smart people play in their free time". So I want some story in there somewhere. But if I'm not thinking of trying to be a smart alec, a more simplistic game like CoD is probably not my cup of tea either way, although I've never owned one, but I'd be willing to check it out if you want to recommend me one.

Thank you for your post.

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@htr10 said:

Hmm, there’s something about this thread that strikes me as strange.

What's that?

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