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A roundup of the week-9th May till 15th May

Hello everyone, if you're reading this.

Seeing people blog a lot, I figured I'd finally try, and probably fail, to create a weekly blog on Fridays, just to try and keep track of what I'm up to in life. I don't expect anyone to read this, but it's just good to kind of get my thoughts in words, I think!

It's been quite a good week, actually. As much as I've been loving the IDEA of a new Mortal Kombat, I felt myself getting more and more disinclined towards playing it. I beat the story mode, and did a bunch of the challenges, but after that...there was nothing left. Seeing as I have a PS3, I had no ability to play it online, which sucked major dick. I probably would have carried on with it, but with no ability to play, there was no reason to keep owning the game, so I ended up trading it in at CEX, and getting a pricey £28 for it, which was lovely. With that, I picked up Devil May Cry 4, for the week. DMC4 is really cool, but it' DMC3.

I like Nero as a character, but he's definitely not Dante. The thing I liked about the previous DMC games were the weirdly punk rock themes I got from it. Dante was a really fun, interesting, and all around cool character to play as. Nero is just kind of...bland. In trying to make him chase down his girlfriend, they've muted any personality behind the semantics of a romantic interest, which is kind of lame. I also HATE how the game punishes the player for being shit.

I was in a boss fight the other day, I think it was with...fuck, I can't remember. It was the ice guy who has the two hot bitches on his face. I had a hard time with it, and had to blow some of my items on it, and I eventually died to it. Imagine my surprise when I found out that not only had I died, the items I had used on him were also GONE, because I used them the first time. If I couldn't beat him the first time with items, I didn't forsee much hope with none. I did beat him in the end however, which is an appropriate segue-way I suppose into thinking about the difficulty in games breaking any sense of fulfillment I've been having.

This was evident in DMC4, but ever more so in Donkey Kong Country Returns. The game focuses on fast action, and throwing you back into levels if you die almost instantly, but to what end? I had to do a minecart level earlier, and I died about 15 times because the timings were a bit tough. When I finished it, I didn't feel satisfied though. I was just banging my head against the wall to get this thing done, and when I did, i just found myself hating the game for being crappy and unfun. But meh, videogames I suppose.

I've recently caught up on "Game of Thrones", the medieval show airing at the moment. I can't say too much at the moment, because I'm only 3 episodes in, but it's super dope. I can't wait for Sunday, I need to know what's going on. Plus, those Dire Wolves are shit hot.

I've also switched to Zerg in Starcraft 2, because...I got bored of playing protoss, and being shit at it. I've gone 10-5 since I started playing them yesterday, and got that sweet ass roach portrait. It's pretty great!

I know this has been excessively boring to read, so thanks if you did. I'd love to know how your week, or life in general is going, if you'd want to comment or discuss. All the best, everyone.

PS: Now I have to stay up for another 6 hours for the GSL finals...NesTea fighting!

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