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Killzone 3 and the FPS

For this entry, there may or may not be spoilers about Killzone 3.

After learning more about the Xbox One and how it always comes with a Kinect, I decided my initial console will be a PS4 (I've had each of the 3 consoles the last two generations, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with all of them again). More importantly, I don't want to risk missing out on whatever Naughty Dog's next game is.

I realized, however, that I had never played a Killzone game before, so I set out to correct that by purchasing that Killzone collection that came out recently. I also wanted to see if the new Killzone for PS4 will be worth purchasing based on their past games. I played a little bit of the original Killzone, decided I wanted no part of playing something that looked and felt so archaic, so I skipped to 2. I didn't have much of a problem with it, but I decided I should just go with the most recent one because it would ostensibly hold up the best (not that Killzone 2 doesn't hold up, mind you, but I was trying to create some sort of justification in my head).

So I just beat Killzone 3, and I've come to several realizations. I don't yet know how to best structure my thoughts and have this not be some awful rambling piece, but I'll do my best.

First of all, I'm starting to realize more and more that I'm sort of done with FPS games. It's good for multiplayer (more on that below), but I don't think it's particularly good for single-player experiences, and that's typically what I'm after. I can't quite put my finger on what I look for in games, but if I had to start making a list, I'd include these things:

1) Something new/unique (at least to me). Killzone didn't have this at all. I sat down to figure out how many FPS games I've played over the past couple of years (specifically, since the beginning of 2011 - I've been keeping track), and it's around 16 or 17. This doesn't leave a lot of room for any one FPS to stand out as unique. Maybe Killzone 3 has the unfortunate distinction of being the most recent in that large group, but I can't help not seeing anything in there that I thought was cool.

2) Some sort of crafting/leveling system. I'm not proud of myself for this, but I have to admit it - if the game is good and it implements one or both of these systems well, there's a good chance I can get hooked for a while. I can't tell you how much time I wasted in both Skyrim and Oblivion with the crafting systems. I can't even explain how I spent so much time with them, but I did.

3) Extremely tight gameplay. This might not even be the best way to describe it, and it might not even be a thing that hooks me, but it's the only way I can describe why I've spent so much time playing Super Meat Boy. I've gotten 100% on the game twice (according to the achievements, anyway - I know there's still more to do in the PC version). Killzone's gameplay isn't not tight, but I think Halo's gameplay feels better, and those games are definitely starting to wear out their welcome. So Killzone isn't hooking me this way.

4) A vivid and well-realized world. The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite did this well, which is why I enjoyed both of those. Killzone 3's world was pretty good, but not more than any other FPS I've played. I thought Bulletstorm's world was more interesting than Killzone 3, and that game was super unforgettable.

Which brings me to my thoughts about multiplayer, and what I thought might be the main gist of this blog entry (but I see now that I've already written a fair amount, so maybe it isn't). I don't typically play multiplayer in games. I can't explain why, because it isn't as though I don't find it fun. I think it's more that I'm looking for a new experience when I play a game, and grinding out levels in Halo 4 doesn't provide that. Also, I feel like I want to play more different games rather than spend a lot of time on one game, so there isn't much room for multiplayer. I spent a LOT of time playing World of Warcraft, and I missed a lot of good games during that time, so I don't want to risk missing something really cool because I'm spending my time shooting people in the same handful of maps over and over again.

Since I don't much care for multiplayer, how much of a chance does Killzone 3 have to stand out to me? I haven't read a lot of reviews of it, but most of them I glanced through talked about how multiplayer is where it's at. So, my main takeaway from this game and my thoughts surrounding it are that I need to be wary of games where multiplayer is the main draw or a significant part of the draw. Related to that, I think I need to start avoiding most first person shooters. They're generally pretty short and relatively fun, but I think most of them aren't designed to appeal to someone looking for a tight single player experience. I don't think Killzone 3 is a bad game by any means, but it isn't a game for me. I sort of wish I gave a crap about multiplayer so I could give that a go, but I've long since moved on to other games.

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