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Overlooked Game Girls

This is basically a list of  female characters that I think should of had more recognition. It could be because the character was on a terrible game but was a good character, the character still has potential but was ignored due to bad acting, the game the character was from did not do so well because it was out shined by another game, or simply the character is hawt... but not much art has been drawn for it.
There are other reasons not listed here... but I will explain my reason for the character when I add them to the list.
*Some characters are not on the website so the list will be expanded as the character inventory expands... also feel free to give suggestions*

List items

  • Vela Form Jet force Gemini. She has gained more popularity over the years but it still difficult to find decent fan art of her. Placed here mainly for her bounce... yeah she had it before Rouge the Bat people.

  • Kya from Kya Dark Lineage. This girl falls into the overlooked game category. I myself had never even heard of of this game... at least not for a long time. I remember seeing commercial for it waaaayyy back when. One of the few black female characters out there with a great game hat was over looked.

  • Okay people, I know this game wasn't great, it was hardly that good... but this character was meant to be awesome. I know she was voiced by that singer chic... but it was horrible. Even so... Malice makes it to the list because this game and character where meant to be much more then what they came out with.

  • Okay this chic is only here because of here looks and storyline... seriously. The game she was on was not that popular and it was basically trying to cash in on the race game buzz that seemed to be i n the air during that time. Miss Torpedoes here basically is genetically engineered... not only that she has like 100 twin sisters who make a living in the... "Entertainment Business"... yeah, "Freaky Flyer" indeed.

  • Okay now I HAD to add this girl. Mei is from Beyond Good and Evil and is extremely overlooked. The main reason is because she is not seen much or even heard from much in the game... at least not physically. Mei is the one who takes the pictures you upload and makes the commercial videos that your under ground network spams across the world. not only that she usually dos it within like 5min of the final upload, sometime even faster then that. Very important roll but basically no face time.

  • Of course we have to add the one and only Jade. This character is the reason for starting this whole thing in the first place. Jade is an orphan who take care of orphans by basically being a jack of all trades, taking whatever work she can get her hands on but mostly being a photographer. She is trained in martial arts and she is a hottie. Kindhearted and determined... I love this girl. XD