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Games I've Beaten/Ranked in 2011

List of every game I've beaten in 2011, whether it actually came out this year or not, plus the order in which I enjoyed them.

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  • I just could not stop playing this freaking game. The story starts off very cheesy and tongue in cheek, but at some point it manages to actually grip you and takes you on so many twists you just have to keep playing to see what's next.

    The gameplay may be simplistic and the puzzles on the easy side, but it's just enough to stay interesting as well.

  • Beat it six times to get every single ending in a matter of four days. So, yeah, I guess I was into this game. Fans of Hotel Dusk and the Phoenix Wright series should really look at this game.

  • I have a feeling if I didn't play this immediately after AC2, it would be higher on my list, but as it is I was feeling burnout from the formula. This was definitely a better game than 2, with enough improvements to make it feel like a new game, but still plenty similar. Multiplayer rocks however

  • Two games in one day! (along with Splosion Man) I immediately want to go into AC Brotherhood, but I know if I do I'll get sick of the formula very fast. I'm only 2 years behind the rest of the gaming world on this. The game is plenty long, but the ending just feels like it came out of nowhere. The final fight of the game just feels way too anticlimactic as well.

  • Oh man once this game gets rolling, you just DON'T want to stop playing it until you reach the ending. It starts out looking like a very simplistic beat em up, but you quickly learn that the game has a surprising amount of depth to it. It changes up the mechanics just enough times so that it always stays fresh. Add in a really compelling storyline and you have an excellent game, and it's a shame that this really didn't get the recognition it deserved.

  • With the release of Ms Splosion Man, I finally forced myself to sit down and finish this game. It's a fun game more than it's a good game, know what I mean?

    Edit: Also completed the multiplayer campaign now, which has made me move it up an extra spot, sorry Professor.

  • It took forever for me to get to game #5, but I guess that's what happens when you start working 70+ hours a week, and aren't at home. This game was incredible. True, it might just be "more Layton" but more Layton is awesome enough on its own. So far my favorite game this year, and I just got done 100%ing it

  • I got this game when it originally came out in the US, and it took me THREE YEARS to complete it. I just didn't have time for the battles later in the game, because they can easily take 2 hours for one stage. It's still fun as hell when you do sit down to play it, but after I spent 150 hours on the PS2 version, it was hard to "get up" for this game at times. I just wish people actually played this online.

  • I have a feeling I should like this game more than I do, but it just never fully "clicked" with me and playing through it was just as much a chore as it was a good time. I think I agree with Ryan's quick look assessment in that I would have liked it more if they took out the open worldy stuff, and just made it stage-stage-stage-stage-win.

  • This game was definitely enjoyable, however, there's just *too much* of the single player campaign. After the 40 hour mark I was starting to get exhausted with matching 3s, and once I finally beat it at the 51.5 hour mark, I was more relieved to finally be able to stop than anything else.

    PS: Remember how ridiculously hard the final boss in Puzzle Quest 1 was? That's how ridiculously easy this one is.

  • I totally forgot I even beat this game until about 2 months after it happened. It's a fun game, just way too short and not enough variety in the missions. Got all the medals, but I just wish there was more. Yes, I know I just bitched about Puzzle Quest 2 having too much of the same, and now I'm asking for more of the same here. Eat it.

  • Easily the worst game I've beaten this year. Is it awful? No, but it's nowhere close to good either. Beat it in a day off a redbox rental, and I'm glad that's all I spent on this game. I was tempted to go back through this game a second time to see the brotherhood storyline, but that quickly stopped once I realized that meant actually playing more X-Men Destiny.