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#1  Edited By fearlessidiot

Assassins is pretty great if you don't mind skipping over the first game and playing revelations for what it is, a bookend to the Ezio story line. Bioshock is pretty amazing as with its environments (rapture) and what it makes the player feel as the progress through the story, can't say much about he second one, even though i own it. As far as my overall recommendation is concerned i would definitely say mass effect, even with your ps3 it allows you to start the game and make all those choices from mass effect at the beginning of the game in mass effect 2, because at this point, its real tough going back to mass effect the original considering how cumbersome and glitchy that game was, also the combat was wonky and the "exploration" gets boring kinda quick, the only saving grace to me was the music and epic nature of the ending. hope this helps Dude.

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#2  Edited By fearlessidiot

Well, i saw next weeks ad, I work at a Best Buy, and i it seems that all these games are on an end of life list so. this is probably your last chance to get them at best buy cause the higher ups just want to get rid of them. Makes me sad that pure is on that list, but better for me cause ive been holding off on it, now it is a must buy!

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#3  Edited By fearlessidiot

He's already been on an ign Podcast, It was a gamesages episode like 9 months ago.... I think. Well, there aren't many episodes of that podcast so it should be easy to find.

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#4  Edited By fearlessidiot

1up, IGN, Kotaku, NeoGaf, Quartertothree, Gamasutra, Gamepolitics, MTV multiplayer Blog, Level up, wired, and  ofcourse GiantBomb. I go to gamespot for the podcast and the News team. I got to a bunch others also but they escape my mind at this very moment.

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