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Turn 000: The Zero-ing.

How high will this Blog's numbers get to? Count on it being Single Digits.

I'm not one for Blogging. But I'm compelled to sign up here for no reason than to follow Gerstman. He's a guy I really respect when it comes to Games, and Games are my favorite Hobby. 

That, and if I could score my Favorite In-Game-Name as my User Name. Whenever I'm asked to type in 'Your Name' I'll usually go with Fisk. You might guess I play my share of RPG's.

The first thing I did here was post some Pics. Some are from WoW, which I played for a month before deciding it was just more Game than I was willing to handle. By the end I was playing WoW like a job. Everyday I was thinking about getting back to the computer so I could put more hours in and do my quests and level up and score more loot. All great stuff, but I realized I was snared in the freaking Heart of Madness. At the end of that month I was even dreaming about the damn game. At that point I just told myself  'Ok. That's enough WoW.'

I think I got up to level 40 or 50 with My Orc, but it's hard to remember as I was building up two alts and an Alliance Guy on Penny Arcade's server.  Oh, and I was using some Leveling Guide to minimize the time it took to advance. My brain was a jumble of numbers and locations and NPC fantasy names that sounded like 'Gulgo' and 'Urlan'. Things like customizing Macros and organizing hotbars and interface mods and... and... it really just goes on and on with that game.

So that's it. Later, Interent Guys.