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Games I played 2021

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  • What the hell happened here? Ambition and bad managment probably, you can basically see the content being cut as you play it. I would like to immerse myself more, read all the notes and do all the gigs but the game feels so off it's not enjoyable. Will revisit with DLC and patches because the artistry on display is insane.

  • Like all Yakuza games, I had some problems with this one. However, considering it's a new city, characters and battle system I can let some things slide. The beginning was especially gripping, mainly because of how well realised the characters are, Arakawa especially. Very excited to see where the franchise goes from here. Ichiban is a great replacement for Kiryu and I was pleasantly surprised by how emotional he is compared to other Yakuza protaganists.

  • This game has a really insane level of detail, great storytelling and fun gameplay but god damn the ending. I was pretty invested in the characters and setting but the game just ends with no resolution for anyone, seems like it was supposed to lead straight into a 3rd game but Youngblood just veers off storywise. There's also a lot of mechanics that feel underused because of how short the game ends up being if you don't do optional missions which are just backtracking to previous areas. Worth playing but a heartbreaking case of missed potential.

  • Played this when it came out but now with so much stuff added it's got a really insane amount to do. This game is an absolute masterpiece, incredibly beautiful and inspiring. Not much more to say other than it's an absolute steal if you like citybuilders or production chain games.

  • More Hitman, each level has a little twist that makes them pretty interesting and unique. Love this franchise and am amazed it's gotten 3 great entries since 2016. Worth every penny.

  • Cool colony builder but maybe a bit too easy to get a sustainable colony going then its just tedious expansion


  • Furthest I've made it in a CRPG, I like the setting, story and dialogue but just cannot enjoy the combat after a point. Real time with pause sucks don't try to change my mind because I'm right

  • Smashed this one out with a friend, finally finished after getting halfway through a bunch of times, a good time and a good amount of content if you can get the complete collection. Would reccomend some drinks for this one

  • Is it a Hades ripoff? A little bit, but there's nothing wrong with taking cues from a great game. There's very little active story but there is a beastiary that updates as you go through. Gameplay is chunky and satisfying with decent variety. Not a mega masterpiece but a fun time for 15 dollarydoos

  • So I beat the main game a while ago and figured I'd finally get around to DLC. Honestly it's not as good as the base game though it does add some length to what is a pretty short experience. I found myself just running through hoping the next puzzle wasn't going to be as tedious as the last. There's very little challenge to a lot of them it's just slowly dragging stuff around and the highlight of the game; the enemies, make very few appearances.

  • Playing Ground Zeroes and TPP again, what a good time. Yeah the story is bollocks but the gameplay is still unmatched, can't believe it's been almost 6 years.

  • In progress

  • In progress

  • WHEW. This one started to annoy me at the end. Yes it's a lot better than the original but my god, the padding, the backtracking...Wonder what I would've thought about it if it was my first time through though since the story is still really good

  • Finished ME1, The legendary edition definitely smooths over the rough edges a bit but its still somewhat crusty. Favourite change is that you can actually pick renegade and paragon options and get a decent amount of points for both so you can actually pick what you think is best rather than metagaming.

    Still an incredibly rich universe and it shouldn't have taken this long for a rerelease and for EA to release people actually like this franchise

  • This game was an abomination at launch, but now 4 years on I always find myself coming back to it. I still don't like that its impossible for new players to actually go through everything they missed but we're here now so

  • everything is fun with friends and RE5 is no exception, especially satisfying as there's lots of enemies you need to work together to get through

  • Still playin, I suck at the gameplay but there's an easy mode for chuds like me. Love the vibe and theme of this game. Relationships are so rarely explored in games other than romance options leading to a 15 second sex scene

  • Fun platinum game with stands, too easy to fall of edges though. Starts off simple but a lot of mechanics get added as you go

  • More coop, fun killing orcs but pretty mindless

  • More zombies more coop more fun

    gear system kind of sucks though I wish it was more akin to BoTW where you're looking for weapons to use in the moment that break quickly, would be cool with the survival theme

  • Don't quite get all the hate, haven't played a battlefield since 3 and it seems pretty on par. Fun weapon and vehicle selection

  • Scratches that factoria itch but I'm not big enough brained for factorio so I will make burgers instead EDIT: too hard, brain too small for this one

  • Cool aesthetic, good music, can shoot guys and they turn into skeletons. Overall a good package

  • Holds up very well, a nick short but good replay value. The levels aren't as complex as later Arkane games but that's to be expected and it's actually quite welcome. Means you spend less time poking around huge levels and more time owning people. I've never understood the compaints that the game "punishes" you for being a murderous psycho, it seems people can't seperate themselves from their character. It's especially impressive how much the nailed the movement and abilities (especially blink) on the first iteration. Epic game