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Regional Pricing on Steam still sucks! (Prototype)

Prototype is one of the games i had planned to buy this summer, not sure if ill get the Xbox 360, or the PC version tough. So i thought about Pre-purchasing it, when i saw that showed up on Steam, until i saw the price:

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For Europeans excluding the UK, the Price is €59.99 ($83.66) for Prototype on Steam.
In the UK the price is £34.99 ($55.76).
In the US the price is $49.99.

What is the point of this Activision? I live in Sweden, i can preorder the PC version of this game for 478kr including shipping. That is about $62.11, which might sound a bit high if your used to US prices but that is a reasonable price for a new PC game here.

My point is, why would anyone buy it for the EU price on Steam when they can buy it for a lot cheaper from online retailers.

I love steam, but buying new games there is pointless.