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My Week in a Nut Shell

So school is a bitch, well, the next few weeks are and going to be. My Midterms start next Thursday, and I get a break for the long weekend, and I get to start them again on Monday, and finish them on Tuesday. So only four days, which does not sound bad, but on my first day, I have exams' for my two hardest classes, French and History. Both are AP courses, and though I hold a B+ in each class, I worry about the exams for them, seeing as though the tests are usually quite hard, and I dear not think of what the largest test of the year is going to be like. Been loaded with homework, and have a History Project Due Thursday. Though I probably will have a snow day tomorrow, I already have it near completed. I guess that's one good thing.

Prince of Persia is Pretty
Played about two hours of Prince of Persia over the weekend, and holy Santa shit, that game is beautiful. I mean really, good looking! The combat is also really fun, and don't see how some publications did not like it. The 'parkour' type running on walls is still a blast, and the frustration is taken out of the game because of Eleka. Seriously, this game is hard, seeing the amount of time that I die, but Eleka always saves me. Without her, I think I would have broken another controller.

Chrono Trigger is Good
So after hearing so many good things about Chrono Trigger from many people, I decided that since it came out on the DS, I would give it a shot. Wow, this games story is suprisingly good, and has quite a bit of twists and turns. The gameplay is also very goods, and stands the tests of time. Also, its on a handheld. I sometimes hate playing a console RPG because I have to sit down on my couch, and I can not put the game to sleep when I want to play another game. WIth my DS, I can just turn it to sleep, and get of the bus. Awesome.

I Got 1600 Microsoft Points
And I don't know what I am going to spend them on. I was going to get Braid, but had the ending spoiled for me, so I see not point in getting that at fifteen dollars, and am pondering N+. I will try to wait for the Burnout Packs to come out, but probably will buy something out of no where, so I can play a game with a friend. I let you know what happens. But give me some reccomendations of games I should get in the comment. : )

Casltevania Order of Ecclasia is a Bitch
Wow, this game is good, so good that it rivials Symphony of the Night, with the return of two hand combat. Go out and get this game, though be prepared, this game is extremly hard!

Working Out Ugh
So my New Years Resolution is to lose twenty pounds. I am not fat by any means, but losing a couple of pounds does a man good. I always have eaten well, with salads, vegatables, water/crystal light, and laying off the sweets and cola, but working out had never been my thing. So far I have told myself I will try to run three miles five times a week. With my school schedule, I have gotten one day so far. Wish me luck

Now I must go, dinner time! :D