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Should I?

I have been thinking, really thinking. Something very odd for me.

Well I have been very upset about my 360 breaking, very upset that the console that I bought less than a year ago, that was supposed to be part of this 'new wave' of consoles that was sure not to die from the accursed red rings, actually red ringed.

So, for the time being, I have been playing lots of PC games, mainly some Sam and Max, and Team Fortress 2. This has made me realized that I love the PC. And have been considering just dumping my 360, meaning selling it on Ebay, and just buying a two thousand dollar gaming PC, in which would blow your eye sockets out of your eyes when you see the graphics that are displayed upon it.

Though the only reason that I see not to do this is because some of you don't have gaming PCs. Which is very odd to me. Not really alot of games on the 360 seem to grab my attention, aside from Fallout 3, which is coming to the PC, Gears of War 2, also coming to the PC, and Fable 2, yes, once again, coming to the PC as well.

Xbox Live seems to be just a wasteland of asswholes, who seem to derive their enjoyment from spewing the most accursed words to just annoy the crap out of others, and then yelling their brains out when someone, mainly me, tells them to shut the fuck up. While I don't get that on the PC side of things. People are respectful, and I play on usually the same servers, where guys are always cool, and respectful to others, and if someone comes in, and is being a jerk off, just bans their ass from the server. Also, may I mention that online on the PC is, free?

So with all this, I have been really thinking. I can get any game that I want off of Steam, which is an amazing service. It is the Xbox Live on the PC, and blows away Xfire. Team Fortress 2 is awesome. It is probably the best shooter I have ever played, just soley being for online gamers like myself, with the nicest of guys playing, and with the best graphics. And if I go through with this whole PC thing, will get World of Warcraft, yes the thing that makes people play for three days straight, and go without eating a morsel of food, and other games like Counter Strike Source, Spore(Which is going to blow every game coming out this year out of the water,) and other games. Also, did I mention that steam will be bringing Braid to the PC. Awesome.

With all of this adding up, I really have just been considering dumping PC gaming. It seems that anybody in my family who are gamers, are PC ones, and most of my friends are too. But I will weigh it on your thoughts on the subject. Should I just drop consoles all together with my frustrations, and losing intrests in them, and go to the PC gaming world?